Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less,

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

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How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

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How to Relax, Slow Down, Recharge Your Batteries and Reclaim Control over Your Life

Today’s world is charging at a breakneck speed. People are working over twelve hours every single day, catching extra minutes of sleep in the metro, and completely giving up on the antiquated notion of time to spend with their own kids. There are people in their twenties neglecting every single aspect of their lives but their careers looking twice older than they should. And 1 person out of 4 dies from cardiovascular disease – caused mostly by unhealthy eating, a lack of physical activity, smoking, and consuming too much alcohol and worthless junk food that clogs their arteries. This book will teach you how to step away from noise, relax and recharge your batteries so you have enough left in you to control your life. Here are some of the things you'll learn: - why rituals create your life and how to develop a proper morning routine to ensure a calm mind. - 3 main stress management techniques for recharging you’re probably not aware of. They can make you well-rested or, if you disregard them, extremely exhausted. - how to get away from highly-stimulating surroundings to recharge in peace. If you live in a city, you MUST read this chapter. - how to let go of negative nagging thoughts you can’t get out of your head. You don’t have to carry them with you all the time. - 7 powerful habits to reduce stress. And no, I’m not talking about obvious advice. You’ll discover how to exactly reduce stress with lesser-known tips. This is your chance to find out what the hard science says about how to become more relaxed. You too can finally recharge your batteries and regain control over your life. Learn how.

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #256570 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-23
  • Released on: 2015-06-23
  • Format: Kindle eBook
How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

Review "The author does an exceptional job at reducing the concepts into an efficient quick guide and this relax book is no different. It is well researched and thorough and provided me tremendous insight on novel ways to relax that I was unaware of prior." - Suresh, reader"This is an excellent little book. It brings together several well researched facts and gives you direction as to how to implement them into your life. It is definitely a read worth your time." - Marilyn Rhea, reader"I am glad that I was given this opportunity to review your book. It was very informative and insightful. The morning routine has changed my life and the relaxation suggestions are very powerful." - balmiest, reader"How to Relax by Martin Meadows is his finest book yet. Stress is literally killing us and Martin highlights how we can reduce our stress and live a happy, healthy and productive life. Like all of his other books, Martin provides key learning or summary takeaways at the end of each chapter to solidify your knowledge of the topic and discussion. I find these extremely helpful in solidifying my understanding of the material." - Dave Anthold, reader"I like the amount of research that goes into it and the clear explanation of the action steps we can take to conquer fear, reduce stress, and get rid of negativity." - S.B. Allan, reader

From the Author I have never wanted to be a part of an overstressed, always busy crowd, hence I spent a lot of time researching and optimizing every aspect of my life to avoid the same fate. Philosophy of less is more guides my life, keeping me sane and healthy in the fast-moving world. In this book, you'll learn why busyness is wrong and how to:

  • step away from noise and the neck-breaking speed of the world around you,
  • recharge your overstressed mind and body,
  • deal with nagging, negative emotions,
  • utilize some of the most effective stress-reducing habits,
  • and achieve a lot despite not being part of the overworked crowd.

About the Author Martin Meadows is the pen name of a bestselling author who has dedicated his life to personal growth. He constantly reinvents himself by making drastic changes in his life. Over the years, he has: regularly fasted for over 40 hours, taught himself two foreign languages, lost over 30 pounds in 12 weeks, ran several businesses in various industries, took ice-cold showers and baths, lived on a small tropical island in a foreign country for several months, and wrote a 400-page long novel's worth of short stories in one month.Yet, self-torture is not his passion. Martin likes to test his boundaries to discover how far his comfort zone goes. His findings (based both on his personal experience and scientific studies) help him improve his life. If you're interested in pushing your limits and learning how to become the best version of yourself, you'll love Martin's works.

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

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Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Solid Action Steps for Making Relaxation a Part of your Daily Routine! By Scott B. Allan In this new book from bestselling author Martin Meadows, the author gives us something that cuts right to the grit of one of the biggest obstacles facing society today: busyness, overworking, lack of sleep and rest...Martin has written a book that needs to be read by everyone, and covers important principles that, if most people practiced weekly, would increase the quality of their lives exponentially. Here is a breakdown of the book and the “gold” you can find buried inside:In the first chapter "Your Rituals Create Your Life", Meadows gives readers solid advice on how to create a ritual that builds a relaxing state through meditation, breathing and expressing your gratitude for what you have. Martin provides readers with a simple, easy-to-implement strategy for trying meditation even if you’ve never practiced before; he explains it in a way that anybody can start it up no matter where they are in life.In Chapter 2 “Let Your Body Recharge” Martin dives into the importance of sleep and the negative impact of sleep deprivation that not only injures but kills people every year from sleep deprived accidents. I found the part on “caffeine induced sleeping disorder” to be of particular interest because I have always been in the habit of drinking coffee before bed. Everyone will get massive doses of benefit from this section alone as it gets into the effects of sleep deprivation and obesity, as well as how eating too much does serious harm to your body. The section on fasting is impressive as well; I never considered it but am going to now. If anything, this chapter in itself is worth the price of the book. Very well researched and informative,Chapter 3, “Getting away from it all to reduce noise” is a great topic for relaxing. Noise can, not only outside but in the home, have a drastic impact on the way you relax, sleep and function every day. Here Martin breaks down the criteria for reducing noise pollution at home and in your environment. With great tips on playing more as an adult and spending time with nature to reduce anxiety and stress, this chapter lends a lot of weight to the book.Chapter 4 is about “Letting Go” and learning to deal with things in a much better way by changing our perception of the person, place or thing. It all comes down to how you perceive it; you can change your negative thoughts into positive through Neuro-linguistic programming and thereby altering the perception of the image you hold as negative.Chapter 5 deals with stress. The author gets into the Pomodoro technique and how you can use it to write down the things that cause you stress. Some suggestions [7 habits to reduce stress] are useful such as decluttering your living area, freeing up your schedule, and letting go of the things that are causing you stress.Overall this is an enjoyable book that can be put to good use to overcome some very common challenges that everyone faces. I like the amount of research that goes into it and the clear explanation of the action steps we can take to conquer fear, reduce stress, and get rid of negativity.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Relaxing was never so inviting By Anthony Smits This book promises to HELP. It got my attention. Get better results while doing less? Not many people would turn that down. But I was skeptical Very few ‘get more by doing less’ claims have any substance.The book opens by recommending a morning routine or ritual. Martin suggests starting one’s day by stopping altogether, to meditate. So I did, finding a jumble of thoughts cascading through my mind in a very unrelaxing fashion. Martins says it’s normal, and to persevere. Well, it was fun. And I can see the advantages of adding stillness to my day.He then suggests expressing gratitude in a planned consistent way, reflecting on the good things in life. IT makes sense. I already do that, but hadn’t been doing it in the morning.Martin moves on to give his views about recharging your body.Sleep? Who knew, unless you’d researched it, all the terrible affects of sleep deprivation? I almost went back to bed. But I know my body wants eight hours a night. I just hadn’t known there were that many problems created by staying up.Martin details a number of research-based suggestions for getting better sleep. I can’t control all of them, but there’s a couple I can implement right now.And he talks a little about fasting. The concept of allowing a body to heal itself through fasting isn’t new, but Martin presents a lot of evidence to back up a strong recommendation to do so. I’ve done the intermittent fasting thing - very intermittently - and I think his suggestions make a lot of sense.This book includes a lot of ideas to reduce stress, and its likely there will be several you haven’t heard about before. Exercise, naturally, is one. And I like his approach to this. There are lots of others. You’ll get a lot from How to RELAX, and if you relax more, you’ll get a lot more from life.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I loved this book By Linda Russell I loved this book! It’s packed with excellent and succinct advice. So many of these types of books are full of fluff. I also appreciated the Recap at the end of each chapter. I am retired so I don’t really have a hectic, crazy life, but my kids do, and I see how it affects them.Many of the author’s suggestions I do practice; such as daily meditation. And I can vouch for the impact it can have on your life.In the section: Let Your Body Repair Itself, I agree with IF and do it daily as well. The problem is that anyone who is an unhealthy eater, ie, eating LOTS of unhealthy carbs may find it almost impossible to fast. I know, because I was that unhealthy eater and was always hungry. I couldn’t manage to go more than two hours without food. I do understand why Meadows refrains from giving dietary advice, but at the same time, it may have been helpful to bring up the issues people may have when attempting IF and offer resources.I thought Chapter Four: Let It Go, was SO important. I believe that our misguided thoughts and beliefs have such a powerful impact on our physical and emotional health and our relationships. If they are not recognized and challenged we will remain stuck. Meadow’s 7-Day Challenge is very revealing!Overall the book is a quick read (so you can’t say you don’t have time!) with such impactful insights. I would highly recommend it!

See all 24 customer reviews... How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

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How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows
How to Relax: Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less, by Martin Meadows

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