Selasa, 30 September 2014

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

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Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Ebook Download : Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Synopsis: Rebecca is a young girl about to celebrate her seventh birthday. One night, after seeing a shooting star, she makes a wish, hoping that magical fairies would attend her party. Quite surprisingly, one of them does; but when Rebecca’s mischievous and misbehaving friend Michael cruelly crushes a butterfly, it turns out to be the Supreme Fairy Queen Samantha. Suddenly Rebecca and Michael, along with their friends Fredericka and Zeb, are transported into a magical land where time stands still. There they have many adventures and enlist the help of some native bush animals to try and teach Michael a lesson about being so cruel to harmless creatures. Michael refuses to see the errors of his ways and is made to stand trial for inflicting such damage on the Fairy Queen, whose job it is to maintain balance in the universe. Eventually Michael meets the Wonambee, a strange and mystical snake who shows him the errors of his ways. Now that Michael has finally repented, the children must set out to somehow heal the Fairy Queen and find their way back to their own world. About the Author: Rhonda Hillyer spent most of her life in Sydney, Australia. Now retired after a successful career as an accountant, she lives in a small remote village, surrounded by national parks on the Central Coast of New South Wales. The beauty of the national parks formed the inspiration for this story. When she is not writing, Rhonda enjoys hiking in nature and practicing taekwondo, a martial art in which she holds a third degree black belt. Publisher’s website:

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

  • Published on: 2015-06-17
  • Released on: 2015-06-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Where to Download Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Kids will love it. By tia poynter A beautiful book with good old fashion Australian charm. The book is very well written, with wondrful characters and the story is beautiful.

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Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer
Butterfly Magic, by Rhonda Hillyer

Minggu, 28 September 2014

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

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Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Download PDF Ebook Online Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Once upon a time, or so the story goes, there was a prince who threw a ball to find a wife. He was a young prince, by his peoples’ standards, and though he had no wish for a bride, he was honor bound to make the attempt to find one. Of course, Prince Kit knew that it was not just honor that bound him to the duty. Prophesied or cursed, who could say, but since he was a babe assassins and soldiers had come for him in the dead of night, in the middle of court, amidst the steps of a waltz, to end his life and with it end the lives of his people, the land he was meant to rule. A heavy burden for a young man to bear, worse for a prince kept cloistered for his own good. But a wife, well, a wife would provide an heir, and perhaps prevent his peoples’ doom if he died too young, and so he danced with maiden after maiden, ball after ball, until he danced with her. She came from out of the Darkness, a vision in a black dress and glass slippers, to join the throng for the prince’s celebration. The first night she hid a small vial filled with arsenic in the folds of her gown but it was knocked from her hand before she could upend it into his glass of champagne. The second night she brought a stiletto hilted in her garter that she never thought to draw and returned to her bags unblooded. The third night Eli ran from him, found her horse and fled back to the forest she came from, desperate to escape his charming smile and the emotion she refused to acknowledge in his gaze that turned in her heart too. He gave chase, and what is an assassin meant to do when her prey hunts her down? One waltz at a ball. One trip of a slipper. One Prince. And one Assassin. Charming…simply, Charming.

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1274663 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-01
  • Released on: 2015-06-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

About the Author Andi Lawrencovna lives in a small town in Northeast Ohio where she was born and raised. After completing her Masters in Creative Writing, she decided that it was time to let a little fantasy rule her life for a while. The Never Lands were born out of a frustration with happily-ever-afters, and a burning desire for the same.

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Where to Download Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Charming? Maybe By BookLover Charming? MaybeI’ll say this, that cover is captivating and the blurb intriguing; the story in itself warrants props for making the heroine some kind of anti-hero with internal conflict for loving the enemy and betraying her kind. But, and sorry if there is a but, it's not all it's cracked up to be.We have “Ella” who is in fact an assassin sent to kill her people’s worst enemy, or rather, to kill the one person that according to prophesy will be the end of them all. We meet her at what appears to be the end of a ball, hence the reference to Cinderella and a prince. The prince wants to live a normal life thus prefers to travel with no guard even though they all know they are hired assassins out to get him. As fate would have it, Ella the greatest and best of the assassins sent, makes a life changing decision that alters the lives of everyone in this world.So, as I was reading this story and I kept putting it down, I just kept thinking: it’s a decent story, why do I keep dozing off? Why doesn’t it hold my interest? And so it hit me, it’s not the story, or the plot, it was the narrative. More than half the time it was told in a passive voice and told at a rather slow pace. I had a hard keeping track of the characters not because there were too many of them but because they all showed up at random times with no previous introduction. During dialogue, the conversation was separated by quotation marks but it was not acknowledged who had made the talking until later and well, by that time I had already lost track of what had been said.Perhaps I’m just not used to this kind of writing. I mean, I’m no expert and although I consider myself an avid reader I don’t think I’ve ever come across a book told in this manner. I suppose other fantasy lovers may enjoy it if they find this kind of prose engaging. As it is, I can only give it 3 stars and only because I found the plot to be imaginative but that’s really pushing it.** Review copy provided via Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review **

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fresh, unique and riveting By La Crimson Femme This re-interpretation of Cinderella is an attention grabber. Ms. Lawrencovna is a new to me author who I will be watching. In Charming, this is not your Disney happily ever after fairy tale. There are "fairies" as in a race which seems to be modelled after the fae. That is about all that is similar. Because Cinderella is not an unloved fatherless girl. Instead, she is a strong warrior with an exacting mother. Her mother is queen and will not tolerate disobedience.The conflict in this story is monumental. It's not a simple little contrived misunderstand or a poor little girl situation. This is a meaty conflict that can start a war, if not a call for genocide. This dark story is not like Grimm's fairy tale. It's more than a simple cautionary tale because it creates a world where two races are hostile and no one is willing to talk to the other. The misconceptions and distrust are obstacles not easily overcome.The tension between Charming aka Kit and Ella is so good. I like how the relationship started out with Kit chasing Ella and when some important facts come to light, it becomes Ella who starts to hunt Kit. The fighting in this book is what does it for me. I love the Ella's strength and self confidence. It reminds me of the old Mercedes Lackey books when she wrote the Valdemar: Arrows of the Queen series. This strong female lead who breaks into the male dominated world in her own way impresses me. I want to learn more. Exposing more about the Children of the Woods would be great. They seem ruthless and similar to the Children of the Woods in Anne Bishop's Dark Jewels series. There are so many pieces in this first book that reminds me of fantasy authors I adore. Even though there are familiar feelings, Ms. Lawrencovna brings it in a refreshing new way. I'm excited about this new to me author and can't wait to read more. Charming is spellbinding and recommended for fantasy lovers who enjoy fairy tales retold.* Review copy provided via Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Elven Assassin By JReppy Elven AssassinThis is an enjoyable fantasy novel. Looking forward to book two. Elichi or Ella, the Assassin Queen, servant of the Darkness, had been tasked with killing Prince Christophe (Kit). However, as she got to know him, waiting for the right opportunity, she felt that his death was not what the Darkness wished, even though his death was deemed necessary to help her people regain lost power and influence and freedom. Her decision pits her against some of her own people and she is forced to kill them, resulting in her banishment. She becomes captain of the guard for the prince, protecting him from others intent on killing him to collect the sizable bounty on his head. Her presence is a source of great tension.The author has created intriguing characters with depth. I especially like that Ella continues to observe the religious precepts of the Darkness despite her exile and that the ritual is described in detail. The story also contains some great dialogue by Ella. Well worth the read.I received a copy of the ebook from Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review.

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Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna
Charming: A Charming Book One (The Never Lands Saga 1), by Andi Lawrencovna

Jumat, 26 September 2014

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

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The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

Read Ebook The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

Dr. Caballero has created her first short story, The Town of Utopia, that tells a story about a town occupied with people of different cultures who tolerate each other, but do not mingle for years, until a disaster occurs, causing people in the town to work together and unite. The moral of the story is that we should all get along regardless of our differences, a moral much needed in our society today! Currently, there is a lack of children’s literature, and text that speak to diversity and character building. However, there is a dire need for children’s literature, and text that touch base on diversity, culture, community and character. Ultimately, children need to be explicitly taught at an early age to embrace and accept people who are different from them. Children can be taught about embracing others in the classroom, while still reading, analyzing, thinking, researching, writing and making inferences. The aforementioned process makes the reading and writing aspect of school fun and fruitful. The Town of Utopia tells a powerful story that elicits culturally diverse conversation and engages students in critical thinking through the utilization of several student centered activities.

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2536061 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-14
  • Released on: 2015-06-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

Where to Download The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I want to live in Utopia! By Lisa E. Roberts I absolutely love this book! I can't wait to share it with my young nieces and nephews. I love how the story explains the differences in the people of Utopia. I'm excited about a children's book that delves into social, cultural and religious differences in a way that cultivates unity. I'd recommend this book for classroom, youth groups and home libraries.

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The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero
The Town of Utopia: And Interdisciplinary Activities, by Dr. Crystal Jade Caballero

Kamis, 25 September 2014

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

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The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

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The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary is a fabulous devotion to Mary.A table of contents is included.

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #854117 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-24
  • Released on: 2015-06-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

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0 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By bob good

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The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber
The Foot of the Cross, or the Sorrows of Mary, by Frederick Faber

Rabu, 24 September 2014

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

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The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

Best Ebook The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #5265346 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .25" w x 5.98" l, .37 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 118 pages
The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

Where to Download The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. deep wisdom in a very readable book By Daniel Gottlieb “Much has been said about the experience of happiness. Some say we must endure suffering to understand happiness while others say it is genetic and hardwired. The sweeping generalizations are not true and Theresa del Tufo shows us how happiness is available to all of us. In this very readable, very practical book, she takes us beyond happiness to well-being, gratitude, connection with people we care about and the gift of having a life. I'm so very happy I had the opportunity to read this book, and I will recommend it to my patients.” Dr. Dan Gottlieb Bestselling Author and award-winning radio host

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Practical Guide to Happiness. By Woody Auerbach I liked this easy reading book which explores the secret of happiness, as discovered by the author through her own life efforts and experiences.I was totally able to relate to her citations.

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The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo
The Fullness of Nothing: Discover The Hidden Joy That Surrounds You, by Theresa Del Tufo

Minggu, 21 September 2014

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

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Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James  M. Strawbridge

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What makes one person addicted to drugs and alcohol and another seemingly immune to the temptation? What can family and friends do to help the addicted, or can they do anything? Using interviews with families and addicts now in recovery, psychologist and addictions specialist Dr. James M. Strawbridge takes the reader by the hand to show that addictions don't discriminate based on economics. race, or gender orientation. In simple, everyday words, Dr. Strawbridge and the addicted telling their stories will make clear the large roles that family relationships during childhood and teen years, as well as genetic history, play in the development of an addictive personality. Mental disorders, such as bipolar conditions, often cause the sufferer to seek relief with alcohol and drugs. Sexual relationships are especially vulnerable, and how addiction affects individuals, married and single, are discussed as well. Recognizing that alcoholism is a disease and examining ways to treat it is the purpose of Dr. Strawbridge's Unraveling the Psychological Mystery of Addictions.

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3036796 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .33" w x 5.98" l, .47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 152 pages
Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James  M. Strawbridge

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A NEW WAY TO LOOK AT TREATING ADDICTIONS IN "UNRAVELING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MYSTERY OF ADDICTIONS." By Amazon Customer Wonderful, helpful information for anyone with an addicted friend or family member. The case histories of addicts in recovery was an eye opener showing that the road to recovery is rough but can be accomplished. Especially interesting was the test asking "can you become addicted ?"".

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Terrific Insight By Dan M This book helped me understand myself in a more clear manner. My own addiction has been eaily defined in a manner I understand. I recommend this easy reading book for those suffering from addictions or those dealing with loved ones.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. His no nonsense common sense approach helped me understand my own addiction problems and how better to live with them By Philip Spot on! Dr. Strawbridge hit a homerun with this book! His no nonsense common sense approach helped me understand my own addiction problems and how better to live with them.

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Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge
Unraveling The Psychological Mystery of Addictions, by Ph.D. James M. Strawbridge

Little Tree, by Loren Long

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Little Tree, by Loren Long

Little Tree, by Loren Long

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For graduates, for their parents, for anyone facing change, here is a stunningly heartfelt ode to the challenges of growing up and letting go. A story as poignant for parents as for their kids, from the creator of Otis the tractor and illustrator of The Little Engine that Could."Long’s gentle but powerful story about a young tree who holds tight to his leaves, even as everyone else lets theirs drop, takes on nothing less than the pain and sorrow of growing up. . . . As in Long’s unaccountably profound books about Otis the tractor, a pure white background somehow adds to the depth."—The New York Times Book Review In the middle of a little forest, there lives a Little Tree who loves his life and the splendid leaves that keep him cool in the heat of long summer days. Life is perfect just the way it is. Autumn arrives, and with it the cool winds that ruffle Little Tree's leaves. One by one the other trees drop their leaves, facing the cold of winter head on. But not Little Tree—he hugs his leaves as tightly as he can. Year after year Little Tree remains unchanged, despite words of encouragement from a squirrel, a fawn, and a fox, his leaves having long since turned brown and withered. As Little Tree sits in the shadow of the other trees, now grown sturdy and tall as though to touch the sun, he remembers when they were all the same size. And he knows he has an important decision to make.

From #1 New York Times bestselling Loren Long comes a gorgeously-illustrated story that challenges each of us to have the courage to let go and to reach for the sun.

Praise for Little Tree* "The illustrations are beautifully rendered . . . Understated and inviting, young readers will be entranced by Little Tree’s difficult but ultimately rewarding journey."—Booklist, starred review"Long’s gentle but powerful story about a young tree who holds tight to his leaves, even as everyone else lets theirs drop, takes on nothing less than the pain and sorrow of growing up. Season after season, Little Tree clings to his brown-leaved self until he can take a leap and shed his protection. He feels ‘the harsh cold of winter,’ but soon grows tall and green, and it’s not bad at all. As in Long’s unaccountably profound books about Otis the tractor, a pure white background somehow adds to the depth."—The New York Times Book Review* "[Long's] willingness to take his time and even test the audience’s patience with his arboreal hero’s intransigence results in an ending that’s both a big relief and an authentic triumph. Long’s earnest-eloquent narrative voice and distilled, single-plane drawings, both reminiscent of an allegorical pageant, acknowledge the reality of the struggle while offering the promise of brighter days ahead."—Publishers Weekly, starred review"Long is sparing with the text, keeping it simple and beautifully descriptive. Brilliantly colored illustrations done in acrylic, ink, and pencil stand out on bright white pages, with Little Tree taking the center position in each double-page spread. Tender and gentle and altogether lovely."—Kirkus Reviews"Children will see the tree facing the scariness of change; adult readers may well feel wistful as the story underscores the need to let their babies grow toward independence. Beautiful. Grade: A"—Cleveland Plain Dealer

Little Tree, by Loren Long

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #7758 in Books
  • Brand: Philomel Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-27
  • Released on: 2015-10-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .38" w x 9.44" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 40 pages
Little Tree, by Loren Long

From School Library Journal PreS-Gr 1—The dramatic changes characteristic of deciduous trees have provided material for authors with personalities as diverse as Janice Udry, Carin Berger, and Shel Silverstein. Long chooses the anthropomorphic route for his simple fable. Little Tree, a young oak, is surrounded by other varieties in the forest. It is a happy life; squirrels frolic and the dove sings "her flutey song" in his branches. When autumn arrives, the sapling does not want to drop his leaves, despite the advice of woodland creatures. He holds onto his brown appendages for many years. It is not until he can no longer feel the sun or hear the birds, that he decides to let go. Long's acrylic, ink, and pencil scenes are presented in pleasing, uncluttered compositions against an abundance of white space; they mirror the straightforward text precisely. Young children will be able to follow the passage of time through the changing colors and sizes of the trees, until the verdant canopy bleeds off the pages during the conclusion. Even though the protagonist was much smaller than his peers during his existential crisis, he ultimately reaches their height. Late bloomers may be relieved at the story's implied message, while others will feel unsatisfied that this departure simply ends at the same destination. VERDICT This gentle story works as a seasonal primer for the very young, but those with more experience may express incredulity at the length of time the tree hangs on and—after all that—the low-key situation motivating his change of heart.—Wendy Lukehart, District of Columbia Public Library

Review * "The illustrations are beautifully rendered . . . Understated and inviting, young readers will be entranced by Little Tree’s difficult but ultimately rewarding journey."—Booklist, starred review"Long’s gentle but powerful story about a young tree who holds tight to his leaves, even as everyone else lets theirs drop, takes on nothing less than the pain and sorrow of growing up. Season after season, Little Tree clings to his brown-leaved self until he can take a leap and shed his protection. He feels ‘the harsh cold of winter,’ but soon grows tall and green, and it’s not bad at all. As in Long’s unaccountably profound books about Otis the tractor, a pure white background somehow adds to the depth."—The New York Times Book Review* "[Long's] willingness to take his time and even test the audience’s patience with his arboreal hero’s intransigence results in an ending that’s both a big relief and an authentic triumph. Long’s earnest-eloquent narrative voice and distilled, single-plane drawings, both reminiscent of an allegorical pageant, acknowledge the reality of the struggle while offering the promise of brighter days ahead."—Publishers Weekly, starred review"Long is sparing with the text, keeping it simple and beautifully descriptive. Brilliantly colored illustrations done in acrylic, ink, and pencil stand out on bright white pages, with Little Tree taking the center position in each double-page spread. Tender and gentle and altogether lovely."—Kirkus Reviews"Children will see the tree facing the scariness of change; adult readers may well feel wistful as the story underscores the need to let their babies grow toward independence. Beautiful. Grade: A"—Cleveland Plain Dealer 

About the Author Loren Long has putt puff puttedy chuffed his way all over the bestseller lists with such titles as Otis, Otis and the Tornado, Otis and the Puppy, An Otis Christmas, Drummer Boy, Toy Boat by Randall de Sève, and Mr. Peabody’s Apples by Madonna. He’s also had the opportunity to modernize the classic The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper and had the distinct honor of illustrating Of Thee I Sing by President Barack Obama. A graduate of the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Loren lives in Ohio with his wife, Tracy, and their two sons.You can visit Loren Long at and Follow @lorenlong

Little Tree, by Loren Long

Where to Download Little Tree, by Loren Long

Most helpful customer reviews

16 of 17 people found the following review helpful. A new classic By J.Prather Loren Long has created a truly beautiful look at the seasons with this gem. An excellent choice for story time or the classroom, the author uses a spare, sometimes lyrical text to tell a story of one little tree that is afraid to let go. All young story listeners will be able to identify with the fear of change, and will easily understand this little tree's reluctance to let go of his leaves when the seasons change and all of his fellow trees seem to be moving on without him. The book exudes an atmosphere of caring and concern as the animals wonder if the tree is feeling sick, and try to encourage him to let go. It's only when the little tree realizes that he can no longer see the sky because his fellow trees have grown so large, that he decides to let go. The final spread provides a nice pay off as we see the little tree finally as big as his fellows and embracing the seasonal changes.Long's illustrations are quite stunning. His charming depictions of both trees and animals really pop against an abundance of white space. He perfectly conveys the changing seasons with forest scenes that make you feel the chilling cold of winter and the lushness of summer. Little Tree has a ton of personality, which is surprising as he has no features. This story will serve as an intro to seasonal change or just a fun fable about nature and letting go. Little Tree is a new classic and an enthusiastic recommend for story time, classroom use, or any young child's personal collection.

19 of 21 people found the following review helpful. This is so beautiful. Here are four reasons I know it's beautiful By Donna Earnhardt This book has so much emotion... and it's about a TREE!This is so beautiful. Here are four reasons I know it's beautiful:I cried the first four times I read it.I cried as I was telling some adult friends about it at a conference this weekend.I cried when I shared it with my three teenagers.I did NOT cry writing this review... but I almost did. :)Read it. DO IT. Seriously. It is BEAUTIFUL.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Lovely story! By Hello Happy This is a simple yet meaningful story of a Little Tree who doesn’t want to lose its leaves. As the seasons progress, and other trees grow, the Little Tree just hugs its original leaves tight. Eventually, the tree learns that to move forward into the future, first, we have to let go of the past. This can be a complex — and challenging — lesson for children to learn (and even adults). My children love to hear me read this lovely fable as a bedtime story, with a reassuring lesson for my whole family, as we all face the uncertain changes and certain challenges of growing older.

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Little Tree, by Loren Long

Little Tree, by Loren Long

Little Tree, by Loren Long
Little Tree, by Loren Long

Jumat, 19 September 2014

Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline di

Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

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Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

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Improve Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and Balancing Your pH

Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. You’re about to discover how to... Start Improving Your Health and Losing Weight and Balancing your pH at the Same Time. We all want to do things such as improve our health, lose weight and balance our pHs but would you ever think that you can do them all at the same time? Well let me introduce to you the 'Alkaline Diet' This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to maintain an Alkaline Diet. It may seem a bit too odd to be true. You will start to discover that there are ways in which your body is affected by the amount of alkaline consumption you are exposed to on a daily basis. This e-book will try to instruct you on how you can maintain the blood pH level in your body. When you change to an alkaline lifestyle, you can have the lean, trim body you’ve always wanted and experience a new level of wellness, energy and mental clarity, by utilizing this step-by-step guide.

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Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #939687 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-25
  • Released on: 2015-06-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

Where to Download Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Powerful read By Marty This is a great introduction to alkaline diets. It's full of interesting facts and advice about how to sustain a healthy lifestyle, as well as keep a strong and robust immune system to fight off disease. For instance, I didn't know that blood is slightly alkaline before I read this. Also, that fat is caused by over-acidification in people's diets. This makes sense as most processed foods contain many acids in order to prolong shelf life. I will take on board all the great advice here. One is to eat more alkalinising grains such as oats and quinoa. The author writes well on the subject. My only misgiving is that the book is too short. However, it's well worth the price for the valuable content. After all, you can't put a price on good health !!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. You get what you pay for By Matt Tsai This is a nice and concise overview of essentially how to eat healthy. The added bonus is that it gives you several recipes as well as a starter level meal plan for you to follow.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A good start By AdamSo85 A very quick read - I finished it in less than an hour, it is an actionable diet plan for a healthy body. Could use some pictures to illustrate the dishes.

See all 3 customer reviews... Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

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Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth
Alkaline Diet: A Guide For Improving Your Health Whilst Losing Weight and BalancingYour pH (dieting, alkaline diet, fatty acids, alkaline diet for beginners, ... alkaline diet recipe book, ph balance), by James Wigglesworth

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

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Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

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It can grant life to someone in great need. Or power to someone of great greed. I trust you to protect it. If your “crazy” grandfather left behind a gorgeous treasure with that kind of a warning, how far would you go to protect it? Would you abandon your family? Forever? Exciting for all ages, Tomb of Truth is the first in an adventure fantasy series by Courtney Anz. Full of ancient myths that come alive in our modern day, readers will speed around the world with Marina and her side-kick brilliant younger sister Iris, as they unlock the secrets to their family’s unusual past.

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1353468 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-30
  • Released on: 2015-06-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

About the Author Courtney Anz lives in Austin, Texas with her family and toe-warming dogs. A soon-to-be English Literature teacher & a life-long explorer, she has written for fun and professionally all her life. This is her first published novel.

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Where to Download Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This debut novel to a series (Marina's Secrets) is a fantastic novel for middle-grade to very young adults By Lashaan Balasingam Fun, it was. Short, it was. Recommended for a more middle-grade audience, it was. While reading this novel, I had to put myself in a younger mentality. Only then was I able to truly see the creativity and humorous adventure that Courtney Anz has written and given for her audience to dwell in. Tomb of Truth is the story of Marina, a young teenager with fiery passion for seeking the truth; and also for fencing. After accidentally uncovering a hidden treasure among her mother's belongings, Marina, unknowingly, set a course straight into Chinese history. However, she doesn't know that this journey is bound to teach her valuable lessons about lying, friends and family. Her decisions, as reckless and care-free they were, blasts her into the depths of Xi'an, as well as the very dark corners of her families past. Will Marina and her family come out of this grand trip out of their homes untouched or will the past contaminate a family living in ignorance?Tomb of Truth is filled with various events that will definitely invite readers to a bubbly world of teenagers. It's only after realizing how long it took the book to reach its climax that I understood that I wasn't the target audience. Nonetheless, I'll give credit to the author in depicting a great protagonist that managed to keep me entertained throughout her wild, wild actions. Marina was without a doubt a character with a sense of justice and who wishes only to seek the truth. Be that as it may, every other character felt very flat or stereotypical. There was no real character development and they essentially served a more practical role, whenever they had a moment to shine. In fact, I never felt attached to any of the characters, but I still managed to laugh at some of the more far-fetched moments. Coming back on my previous point, Tomb of Truth did feel like it started off slow. I had the feeling that the author wanted readers to connect with the characters more than to focus on setting up the climax. It really did take almost half the book before things started to spice up. If anything, Cuki (one of the antagonist) was definitely a burden to read about. A huge focus was put on her relationship with Marina's sister, yet this very relationship was quickly destroyed to bits without ever taking the time to take into consideration any of the consequences (especially psychological).This debut novel to a series (Marina's Secrets) is a fantastic novel for middle-grade to very young adults. Essentially funny, Tomb of Truth still had its moments where the author attempted to have readers question Marina's decisions and reflect on the idea of lying. Courtney Anz even manages to tackle pollution in China discreetly. Kudos on that. Marina and friends also reserve great potential for the author to exploit in her future novels and I'd definitely love to see what direction she'd take upon reflection on feedback's received. What was quite stunning, but very comprehensible when you take in the idea of entertaining your readers, was how the book dramatically shifted into a realm of fantasy towards the ending. It felt like every character, specifically villains, had a quick transformation; within seconds they all removed their masks and portrayed personas that you couldn't have expected, ever. It was like seeing little mouses running around before they transformed into dual-wielding ninjas with bazookas on their backs. Even one of the plot twists had this humorous tone to it that you couldn't help but giggle at the thought of it. Tomb of Truth is a great book and should definitely be read to kids. They'll be craving for another chapter. And another one. And another one. And another one.You can find a picture and quote-filled review right here: truly,LashaanLashaan & Trang | Bloggers and Book ReviewersOfficial blog:

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Girl power to the max! By Rae Rozman Ms. Anz's first novel certainly captured my heart with its well developed, kick-butt characters and meticulous research. It read like historical fiction (sans the dragons, of course) but kept a fresh, contemporary perspective. Ms. Anz wrote flawlessly from a teenager's viewpoint; I'm sure most every teenage girl can relate to Marina's feelings! This coming-of-age novel combines the best of all worlds: it shows that young women really can make a huge difference, and it's also got dragons. Because really, who doesn't love dragons?! I'm anxiously awaiting the next installment in Marina and Iris's adventures!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Can't wait for Volume 2!!! By Eileen My 14 year old son, and 12 year old daughter both loved this book. (Okay, me too). Lots of adventure, we are eagerly waiting the next book.Bonus: Not the "usual" tween formulaic writing, real interpersonal character development, and the book refers to some interesting Chinese History. I actually caught the 12 year old looking up Emperor Qin on the internet during her summer break. It was a nice change of pace from all those Harry Potter videos!If your kid likes Percy Jackson, Inheritance and Divergent, there's a decent chance they'll love this book.

See all 10 customer reviews... Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

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Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz
Tomb of Truth (Marina's Secret Book 1), by Courtney Anz

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook),

Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

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Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

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Want to make delicious and chicken meals in under 30 minutes with very few ingredients?

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Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1744733 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-24
  • Released on: 2015-10-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

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See all 1 customer reviews... Chicken Recipes in 30 Minutes Or Less: Easy Chicken Recipes with Little Ingredients (Chicken Recipe Cookbook), by River Burk

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The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

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Science-minded fox spirits, tiger wives, books that can be read by anyone but their owner—these and more appear in Yoon Ha Lee's flash fairy tales. Previously available online, they have now been collected in this volume along with four new stories and an introduction by the author.

The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #264442 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-14
  • Released on: 2015-06-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. The author has a wonderful imagination (really By Kristi Little slightly twisted fairy tales written as flash fiction. The author has a wonderful imagination (really, if you like imaginative SF at all, go get her collection Conservation of Shadows) and these are all little bite-size snacks of wonder. Might be good to read to a somewhat older child as bedtime stories as well, if you didn't mind said child growing up somewhat strange.If you like this sort of thing, then you will like this very much.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Prose by any other name By Barry Melius Beautiful set of what YHL calls flash fiction/forty vignettes in 67 pages. I was cautious going in and appreciative coming out of this beguiling collection. Think of it as poetry with all the transcendence that implies and throw in Lee's frequently earthy and mischievous ways and you've got a keeper. Recommended.

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The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee
The Fox's Tower and Other Tales, by Yoon Ha Lee

Senin, 15 September 2014

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys,

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

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More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

PDF Ebook Download Online: More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

Celebrate the 75th anniversary of the perennial favorite Caps for Sale with this never-before-published sequel to the beloved classic! In this first posthumous book from Esphyr Slobodkina, those mischievous monkeys are at it again, bringing laughs to a new generation of readers. The sequel, More Caps for Sale, picks up right where Caps for Sale left off, as the peddler comes face-to-face with those monkeys and their funny business yet again.

More Caps for Sale is based on story ideas discussed by Slobodkina and Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer throughout their years as friends and business associates prior to Esphyr's death in 2002. With simple text and illustrations, filled with warmth and humor, this sequel is perfect for early readers and follows a great folktale tradition.

Since Caps for Sale was first published in 1940, millions of children have savored the original tale of the peddler, his caps, and a band of very funny monkeys, and now this charming sequel continues the story!

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #177067 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-27
  • Released on: 2015-10-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.50" h x .25" w x 9.25" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 40 pages
More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

From School Library Journal PreS-K—Published posthumously, this book is an obvious labor of love for Sayer, who worked closely with Slobodkina for years. Using ideas and illustrations from the beloved author's works, Sayer constructed this sequel to the classic Caps for Sale, which closely mirrors the original, while continuing the story in a way that stays true to Slobodkina's voice and illustration style. She was one of the first illustrators to use abstract and collage art in children's books, and this new title is a celebration of her simplicity in line, color, and landscape. Children will delight in the monkeys' antics as they follow the peddler home. In this "monkey see, monkey do" tale, the monkeys and the peddler interact in various scenarios, each resulting in a mimicking of good behavior. The peddler spends most of his night and the next morning worried that he has not sold any hats. As he heads into town the next day, the monkeys follow him again, which favorably results in many hat sales for the peddler this time around. VERDICT This reimagining of the classic tale is a recommended purchase not only for the quality of the story but also because of the wonderful history of children's literature that is tied to it.—Jasmine L. Precopio, Fox Chapel Area School District, Pittsburgh, PA

Review Rhythmic, repetitive, child-friendly storytelling. The story feels satisfyingly complete. (New York Times Book Review)“How often does a sequel pick up exactly where its predecessor left off—75 yars later? A worthy successor to Slobodkina’s original. (Publishers Weekly)

From the Back Cover

The beloved classic Caps for Sale is now celebrating its 75th anniversary with a brand-new sequel featuring the caps peddler and those mischievous monkeys, now with even more monkey business in store!

In Caps for Sale, the peddler woke up from an afternoon nap to discover a tree full of monkeys all wearing his caps. Well, he got his caps back, but the story doesn't end there!

When More Caps for Sale begins, it is later that same day and the peddler starts his walk home. He does not look back. He does not notice monkeys following him. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. All in step.

Now they are sitting in the tree in the peddler's backyard. Those monkeys!

The peddler is about to have another extraordinary adventure. True to their nature, the sixteen monkeys that make up the Caps for Sale troop mimic the peddler, but this time good things just might happen.

Filled with warmth and humor, this easy-to-read book is perfect for early readers and follows the same great folktale tradition as the original Caps for Sale.

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

Where to Download More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Cute sequel, and worth picking up for a discounted price! By Stuart Dunn This is an unofficial sequel to Caps for Sale. It was not written by Esphyr Slobodkina, but instead by Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer. The style of the story and illustrations are in the same vein as the original. In this book, the story takes place almost immediately after the original took place. The annoying/cute (depending on your perspective) monkeys are still present, as is the repetition that made the first one an excellent early reader. Unlike the first one where the peddler went home with all his caps, he is actually able to sell all his caps this time, in large part because of the monkeys. Overall, it's a cute story, especially if you love the original. If you can get it for a good price, I'd recommend it, but I would not pay $19 for it.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Fun to read and fun for my children to listen to! By Cheryl I recently had the opportunity to read my children, 3 & 5, More Caps for Sale. I haven't had the opportunity to read the first in the series, but hope to soon. My children enjoyed hearing about those mischievous monkeys. We would stop every time the peddler noticed the monkeys and all laugh and say, "uh-oh, what are the monkeys going to do?" My three year old had to stop me whenever we reached a page where the peddler was wearing all his hats to talk about the colors of the hats, and the five year old needed to continue the pause to count the hats. It was a nice story, well told and well illustrated with a fun 50's vibe to it. I would recommend the book and plan to get the rest of the series.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. a sequel to a childhood favorite of mine By Michele K. McBane I was thrilled to see More Caps for Sale, a sequel to a childhood favorite of mine, published, and even more pleased to discover that it stayed true to the characters' personalities and that the illustrations and colors followed exactly in the original's footsteps. Copies of both books are proudly displayed on my bookshelf to be enjoyed over and over again by my family, guests, and our future grandchildren. Thanks for a job well done!!

See all 13 customer reviews... More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer PDF
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More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer Kindle

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer
More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, by Esphyr Slobodkina, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: P

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

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Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Ebook Download : Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

***Prenatal Poses for Total Mind Body Fitness and Beyond***

Do you want to stay fit even while you are pregnant? Do you want to learn exercises that are easy, effective and safe for you and your growing baby? With Prenatal Poses for Total Mind Body Fitness and Beyond, discover how Yoga—that ancient body-mind practice that originated from the East—is a great tool to help pregnant women and new mothers maintain physical fitness and to help prepare the body for the actual childbirth. In simple, step-by-step instructions, you can learn these yoga poses suited for pregnant women and look forward to comfortable sessions in your own home.

There’s no better time for you to start a healthy lifestyle for you and for your baby than when you are pregnant. Take action today learn how to stay healthy during your pregnancy by downloading this book.

Download Your Copy Today!

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3157554 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .13" w x 6.00" l, .24 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 52 pages
Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Where to Download Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Book that Shows Yoga can be Comfortably Safe during Pregnancy By Jackie Rafferty As a pregnant woman, I have often found it difficult to find comfortable yoga positions to engage in. This book really showed me new positions that are safe and comfortable. Thank you!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This is not for beginners By nidhi This book is handbook for people who have been practicing yoga for years. This book is not for beginners as some poses are practically hard for pregnant women who never performed yoga.

See all 2 customer reviews... Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson PDF
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Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson
Pregnancy Yoga Safe Yoga Poses for Expectant Mothers and New Mothers Plus Guides For Yoga Mats, Yoga Ball, Yoga DVD, Yoga Pants and More!: Prenatal ... and Beyond by Andrea L. Mortenson) (Volume 1), by Andrea L Mortenson

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

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Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Download Ebook Online Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

What are possible causes of tremors? What natural remedies can help to calm them? A variety of natural therapies have proven useful for sedating tremors. These include supplements, essential oils, herbs, foods, aroma therapy, stress reduction, trauma release, sound therapy, vibration therapy, energy healing, transformation of beliefs and activating the limitless power of the mind. These suggestions for calming tremors are inspired by Robert Rodgers PhD, founder of Parkinsons Recovery, who has focused his research program since 2004 on identifying and documenting natural therapies that help to reverse symptoms of Parkinson's disease. His research reveals there are a surprising number of natural therapies that help to calm tremors in particular. The challenge turns on deciding which therapies to pursue. People with tremors find themselves in a terrible situation.Tremors create stress. Stress, in turn, is one of the primary causes of tremors in the first place. It is a vicious cycle the loops around and around with no end in sight. Finding therapies that succeed in calming tremors helps in the long run to reduce stress and, of course, sedate tremors. The key to success is taking control of the tremor rather than allowing the tremor to control you. Therapies introduced in this book are all ones that put you in the driver's seat.

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #914696 in Books
  • Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Published on: 2015-06-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .27" w x 6.00" l, .36 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 116 pages
Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

About the Author Robert Rodgers, Ph.D., has a passion for helping persons with Parkinson's feel better using natural methods. His mother, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, elected to take a variety of prescription drugs to treat her Parkinson’s symptoms, her depression and other medical problems. She eventually died from a coma that was aggravated by the deadly combination of medications she had been taking. After graduating from Vanderbilt University with his undergraduate degree and Cornell University with his master’s degree, Robert earned his PhD from Michigan State University in 1981. He served as a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin in the 1980's and was a professor and Director of the Ph.D. and MHA programs at the University of Kentucky during the 1990's. Robert resigned university life in 2003 to found Zero Point Healers with Deborah Russell. He now pursues his passion for discovering natural remedies and therapies that heal chronic illnesses. Since 2004 Robert has focused on helping persons with Parkinson's find relief from their symptoms using natural methods and approaches. He is also a foreclosure mediator for the state of Washington and a senior mediator with the Dispute Resolution Center in Olympia, Washington.

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Where to Download Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This is a rehash of points made in other books ... By Blanca Ostrovsky This is a rehash of points made in other books by the same author. If you are only interested in tremors, it saves time.

See all 1 customer reviews... Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD PDF
Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD iBooks
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Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD
Treatments for Tremors: Natural Therapies to Calm Tremors, by Robert Rodgers PhD