Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), By Heather Lyons. What are you doing when having downtime? Chatting or scanning? Why don't you aim to check out some publication? Why should be reviewing? Reading is among fun and satisfying task to do in your extra time. By checking out from lots of resources, you can discover new information and encounter. The e-books The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), By Heather Lyons to check out will certainly many beginning from scientific books to the fiction books. It implies that you could check out guides based upon the need that you wish to take. Certainly, it will be various and also you can review all book kinds at any time. As here, we will certainly reveal you a publication should be checked out. This e-book The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), By Heather Lyons is the selection.

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

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After years spent in Wonderland, Alice Reeve learned the impossible was quite possible after all. She thought she left such fantastical realities behind when she finally returned to England.Now Alice has become a member of the clandestine Collectors' Society, and the impossible has found her again in the form of an elusive villain set on erasing entire worlds. As she and the rest of the Society race to bring this mysterious murderer to justice, the fight becomes painfully personal.Lives are being lost. Loved ones are shattered or irrevocably altered. Each step closer Alice gets to the shadowy man she hunts, the more secrets she unravels, only to reveal chilling truths. If she wants to win this war and save millions of lives, Alice must once more embrace the impossible and make the unimaginable, imaginable.Sometimes, the rabbit hole leads to terrifying places.  * This is the third book in the adult romance/fairy tale Collectors' Society series.

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #254979 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-23
  • Released on: 2015-06-23
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

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Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. she has lost love before, and regained it with Finn By V. Rundell of V's Reads This is the third book in a series, and should be read in order.At the end of the last book, Alice and Mary Lennox (of The Secret Garden) are on the hunt for their loves: Finn (of Huckleberry Finn) and Victor (son of Dr. Frankenstein), adopted brothers who may have perished when the book world in which they hunted known killer Sweeney Todd was destroyed. Against all odds, Alice believes Finn to be alive; she has lost love before, and regained it with Finn. She will stop at nothing to find him, and, if that means breaking and entering, well, she luckily has renowned thief The Artful Dodger on her side.Unfortunately, finding Finn doesn't bring her much relief--because he's been enchanted and will likely die if she cannot find the 13th Wise Woman, from Grimm's Fairytales, to undo the curse. This entire series is an incredibly creative literary enterprise. I adore Alice, who is single-minded of purpose, and a great heroine. Now an exiled queen, she's all grown up from her first trip to Wonderland, and her loved-and-lost story is all the more powerful because she chose political peace over personal comfort. She tells the bulk of this story, and her pain and courage is plain.The main objective of all Alice's travels is to locate Gabe Pfeffer, or Lygari, or his much older name, The Pied Piper. Trouble is, there's trouble every step of the way. Like most of the Brothers Grimm's works, this is not a light-hearted fable. Nope, it's a dark tale that includes vengeance, lies, enchantment and a teeny bit of sexytimes. I'm kinda frustrated by the end...because I MUST know what happens next, and, alas, it's a kicker cliffhanger, IMHO. I don't want to spoil the book, so I'm ending this review here. If you think you'll like creative literary fantasy with a vengeful queen who will do absolutely anything to save her prince, this book is for you.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. One of the best series i have ever read By Michelle@Book Briefs The Forgotten Mountain is the third book in the New Adult Fantasy Series, The Collectors’ Society. And I have to first mention how much I love these covers. They are some of my favorite covers for any series. Which is fitting because The Collectors’ Society is ONE OF MY FAVORITE SERIES OF ALL TIME. The First book, The Collectors’ Society, was one of my favorite books of 2014, and The Hidden Library was another favorite. I can’t remember a series where every single book has gotten a full 5/5 stars from me. But truth be told, the books in the Collectors’ Society deserve more than 5 stars each. This is such an amazing series, and Heather Lyons really ripped my heart out with the Forgotten Mountain.The Forgotten Mountain picks up right where the Hidden Library left off, with that awful ending. Because of what is going on with my poor Finn, a lot of this book is told through Alice’s point of view. I really do love Alice. She is so strong and loyal and sharp. I love her ability to see through everything and read people so well. And I love that we still get words of advice from the catepillar. Heather Lyons has such a way with words, everytime I see her talk about someone from wonderful, I feel like I am reading Lewis Carroll himself. She has captured the essence of the books in her timelines so well, all the while putting her own crazy spin on them. In the Forgotten Mountain we get to see some Grimm Brother tales and their time lines. Creepy places, they are. Think the Brother’s Grimm movie with Matt Damon, and not the Disney version of the tales.I was so proud of myself for calling one of the villians in this book, but that one thing (lygari) was the only thing I seemed to get right. Heather Lyons continues to surprise and delight me with her masterful writing and story telling. I am so in awe of Heather and her writing. I read The Forgotten Mountain with wide eyes and dropped jaw, bouncing on the edge of my seat the whole time. The characters all hold a place in my heart, some I hate, some I love, and some totally creep me out, but everyone in this very large cast of characters are so distinct that they stay with me long after I put this book down.Heather is the best at weaving different characters, clues, and minor plot points that come into play later. I just love reading her books, even when she does things that make me want to cry. Her writing is so exciting and emotional. I want to live inside this series. I just love it so much. Everyone needs to read these books. If you are looking for a fantasy series, an action series, a series for lovers of classic literature, a romance, or just a series that is original and so well done- you are looking at the Collectors’ Society Series! It is all of those things and so much more. The ending of this book completely wrecked me. I need the next book now. I cannot say it enough, this is one of my all time favorite series. Read this series! If you haven’t you are doing yourself a disservice.*Disclaimer- I got a copy of this book for free in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated for my thoughts.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. THE QUEEN OF ALL HEROINES! By DesertReader After the Kindle tossing cliffhanger from The Hidden Library, I have waited on bated breath for the continuation of Alice, Finn, and gang. This book resumes shortly after the end of THL. Like its predecessors, there is nonstop action from the first page until the last. Alice is on a rampage and will do anything to find out Gabe’s true identity. Despite all odds, she also believes she will find Finn and Victor. She is fiercely determined and lets no one stand in her way. It’s one of the many things I love about her, she doesn’t wait around waiting on others. She simply takes charge and does what she does best. I do not play by his rules. I play by mine and mine alone.Ms. Lyons definitely keeps this series refreshing with her knowledge of literature. She is able to seamlessly blend classic literature with unique twists and turns at every corner. I learned more about fairy tales reading this book than I ever did as a child. There are also interesting new characters introduced in this installment that only add to the rich storyline. The A.D. has been present in the other books, but he takes on a more prominent role as he assists Alice. I found him to be so intriguing and can’t wait to see more of him in the next book. My adoration for Mary only grows, as does my suspicion of The Librarian. This is the most unique cast of characters in any Fantasy Series I’ve read. I refuse to allow such an ending to this fairy tale, or my own. I cannot fail in this quest. None of us can.I thought nothing could top the ending of THL. Sadly, I was wrong because this one is a doozie! I never could have predicted what happened and weeks later still cannot truly understand its full meaning. I will definitely be on pins and needles until the fourth and final installment. I have complete faith in Alice to be the Queen she is meant to be. “She is my fairytale come to life.”If you are looking for a unique and action filled series, I can’t recommend The Collectors’ Society enough!

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The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons
The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors' Society Book 3), by Heather Lyons

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