Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

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Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Best Ebook Online Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living will change how every busy Mom approaches self-care forever! This workbook moves you away from traditional calorie counting and restriction and teaches you how to find the most nourishing foods and lifestyle choices that best serve your unique body in your already busy life. Using this workbook you will: Discover & experiment with mindful lifestyle options, Learn about dynamically nutritious foods, Develop habits that support transformation, weight loss, and healing. Tammi uses an easy to follow, gentle, and loving approach to education and personal transformation that is completely infused with her passion and experience.

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1833854 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-17
  • Released on: 2015-10-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

About the Author Tammi Hoerner Since 2004, Tammi has been on a quest to discover, live, and share the life and health benefits of natural living. She is a Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Aromatherapist, and Herbalist, with a passion for helping busy professional and entrepreneurial Moms lead balanced, abundant, and healthy lives. Tammi guides from both personal life experience and an abundance of natural health education that includes graduating from the world’s largest nutrition school, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It was at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition that she studied with the world’s top health and nutrition experts including Joshua Rosenthal, David Wolfe, Joel Fuhrman, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Andrew Weil, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Geneen Roth. In July 2012, Tammi was awarded the Health Leadership Award, by The Institute For Integrative Nutrition. She has also earned certification and training as follows: Master Herbalist Diploma, Immersion Studies, Holistic Nutrition, An Integrative Approach, Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Usui Reiki I & II, Aromatherapy Essentials, Aromatherapy Healing Arts, Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutrition Tammi has been professionally certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and is a proud Member of IAHC, The International Association of Health Coaches. Aside from her passions in natural health, Tammi is happily married to the love of her life, the incredibly proud mother of two, and grandmother of one. Her hobbies include gardening, scrapbooking, soap making, cooking, reading nutrition and health books, caring for her furry babies, and exploring this great world.

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Where to Download Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A must read for Mom's By Cathy Vogt This is a must read for all Mom's. We do so much everyday to care of everyone else that we sometimes forget about ourselves until we get sick. This book is a great tool that breaks down self-care into easy steps and gets you to think about what works best for you. I particularly like the simple action steps, goals & intentions, graditude and reflections. Thank you Tammi, this book is one my bedside table and now part of my morning routine.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. 5 Star Review from the Mom! By Lynne Dorner After following Tammi's career for several years I was so excited that she decided to write this workbook and share it will the world. It is a useful tool for mom's to get clear and organized. It is useful, fun, and will inspire lots of needed changes in your life, schedule and level of happiness! Pick it up, fill it out and then experience all the wonderful and exciting shifts it will bring. xo Lynne

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Tammi's book is like having your own personal wellness coach going right along ... By Marissa L Rollo Tammi's book is like having your own personal wellness coach going right along side of you through your journey. As moms we tend to forget to take care of us. This book gives you the guidance to find what works for YOU! Setting goals, self reflection, & food journals. It is an all in one guide to a better self! And the recipes are DELICIOUS!! Highly recommend this book!!

See all 11 customer reviews... Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner PDF
Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner iBooks
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Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner Kindle

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner
Lessons for MomPositive Living: Attainable Wellness for Modern Moms, by Tammi Hoerner

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