Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

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Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Read Ebook Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Meet the adorable Shopkins in this brand new search and find book that comes with deliciously scented stickers!Shopkins is a top-selling toy property that features more than 300 cute grocery store characters to collect, trade, and swap. In this search and find book published alongside two sticker book bind-ups, kids will meet and play with the adorable Shopkins! Featuring the gang of collectible characters,this book is packed with colorful Shopville pictures to add stickers to and characters to search and find. Sticker the pages to create smell-icious scenes with 100 sweetly scented stickers!

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1870 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-20
  • Released on: 2015-10-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .10" w x 8.25" l, .30 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 24 pages
Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

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Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Can be annoying depending on how much of the actual Shopkins your little one wants to see! By Kaizoku! If you have a little Shopkin fan at home, it may not matter what you actually get them as long as there are visible Shopkins on there!This book should have been a 5, but some of the hidden Shopkins were just ridiculous. Perhaps 1/10th or a bit of an eye showing and that's it! Now, I'm all for challenging my child (she's a smart lil 3 year old that did find most of these), but it seems a bit extreme. Some of the pages are particularly bad like the milk and eggs page where tiny portions (not even eyes!) are visible behind other items. The "limited edition" Shopkins are also hidden in a pretty annoying fashion (small pieces showing only).What I ended up doing for fun was spotting a Shopkin on my own and asking the little one to find it since I could look out for a more visible (i.e. more than half not covered) one. Can vary this depending on your child's ability.So perhaps this book is for slightly older Shopkins fans, but overall pretty poor. I'd rather have the hidden Shopkins camouflaged in patterns, etc. (like other seek and find books) as opposed to mostly obscured!The scratch and sniff stickers were OK.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Great, but disappointed By Matt This is a birthday present for my daughter, who is a diehard Shopkins fan. I'm sure she'll love it. My only complain...whoever put this book into the envelope should have put a "DO NOT BEND" sticker on it. Maybe then my mail carrier wouldn't have folded it in half and bent the spine of the book. Currently, I have the book sitting under a heavy briefcase in hope that it will flatten out before her birthday party this week.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Such a fun book! By ReviewMama My 3 year old son is OBSESSED with Shopkins! He also loves Seek & Find games and books so I knew that this would be a hit! He absolutely loves it! He loves finding all the hidden Shopkins but also naming all the ones that are in plain sight! We love to look at this book together :) So much fun!I do test these products out myself and give a very honest review. I am one that reads the reviews carefully when making purchases so I appreciate those who take the time to post reviews! If my review has been helpful to you, please give me a "Yes" vote on my review!

See all 82 customer reviews... Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

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Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books
Shopkins Seek and Find, by little bee books

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