Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

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Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Best Ebook Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Discover the Hidden Beauty in Your Life

Open yourself to the possibility that there is beauty hidden in your emotional and physical scars. Understanding how beauty can unfold from pain will allow you to create your own beautiful life, regardless of your circumstances.

Is it really possible to reach one’s greatest potential, even after unthinkable loss and tragedy? In "Beauty Unfolding", author Kate Waite shares her own personal journey through pain and loss, and reveals that the secret to a beautiful life is not just avoiding adversity, but creating joy and abundance from within. Her personal anecdotes and proven, simple, yet highly effective action steps will empower and inspire you to create the life you desire, regardless of the challenges you face.

Surviving life’s challenges isn’t just about overcoming painful endings---it’s about awakening to a whole new world of beautiful beginnings that are there for the taking. Don’t waste another minute on the same defeated path. "Beauty Unfolding" provides all the tools and inspiration you need to embrace the joy, beauty, and abundance already available to you---starting today!

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1618749 in Books
  • Brand: Waite, Kate
  • Published on: 2015-06-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .41" h x 5.50" w x 8.50" l, .51 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 178 pages
Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Review What an inspiring book! Kate Waite opens her heart wide as she shares her own stories of suffering and loss-and how she learned to find the beauty and joy in even the worst of circumstances. "Beauty Unfolding" is a treasure trove of tools, exercises, and inspiration that will help you live a truly beautiful life. --- Marci Shimoff, N.Y. Times bestselling author of "Happy for No Reason" and "Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul"

"Beauty Unfolding" is a sincerely inspirational composition of honest stories from the life of a truly empowered woman. It equips the reader with the necessary tools for achieving ultimate fulfillment and gratitude for all that is. --- Peggy McColl, New York Times bestselling author of "Your Destiny Switch: Master Your Key Emotions", and "Attract the Life of Your Dreams"

In "Beauty Unfolding," Kate Waite shares how she transcended her toughest life experiences in a way that's powerful and inspiring and gives readers a sense of hope. She is a remarkable woman, and I believe her message will touch thousands of lives! --- Dina Proctor, Bestselling author of "Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went from Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day"

This book is masterful, a great read and deeply inspiring. I know it will help many people find courage within themselves. --- Karen Duffy, N.Y. Times bestselling author of "Model Patient"

"Beauty Unfolding" is written with a voice that is not only exquisitely genuine, but raw and vulnerable. Kate Waite gives generously from her heart, demonstrating compassion and an undeniable to empower us to find the beauty in life, no matter what! --- Mary Morrissey, International speaker and author of two bestselling books, "No Less Than Greatness" and "Building Your Field of Dreams"

This book is mesmerizing-every time I want to stop reading it, I can't. Kate is a gifted writer, and I just love what I'm learning in her book. You will want to read it from cover to cover! --- Kelly Falardeau, Bestselling author of "Self-Esteem Doesn't Come in a Bottle"

Kate Waite transformed personal tragedy into a beautiful life. In her book you will discover simple steps that will make a big difference in your own life. --- Arielle Ford, Author of "The Soulmate Secret" 

"Your book is my companion in this moment in the same way Liz Gilbert was through Eat, Pray, Love in 2009 when I lost nearly everything. Well, when I thought of it as a loss." -- Duda

About the Author Kate Waite is an author, inspirational speaker, and lifestyle expert who has mastered the art of living beautifully, even after enduring several devastating events in her life. After being severely burned in a fire at age fifteen, she discovered that the secret to living a beautiful life is to create joy and abundance from within. Before becoming an award-winning author, Kate found success as a self-taught fashion designer, whose designs were featured on ABC News, Good Morning America, and All My Children. To learn more about Kate, visit

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Life can change in a solitary moment. In just a breath, a blink of an eye, the potential exists for worlds to come crashing down. The same opportunity exists within a single second, for one to transcend into a state so profound and utterly brilliant it manifests a joy within in us that is genius. One universal truth is that, as humans, each of us has the potential to experience inexplicable suffering and tragedies and as well as unimaginable happiness. You seldom get the choice to avoid great hardships, as they often come without any warning. There are no set limits to the degree and frequency of the adversities and challenges we face. Equally true, there are no set limits for the potential within each of us to create utter bliss and abundance within our lives, no matter how devastating the circumstances. 

I know first hand, how life can change in a single moment. Mine came dangerously close to ending at a very young age. When I was fifteen, I was set on fire, from an explosion, in my high school chemistry class. In the midst of those terrifying moments, as the smoke and flames engulfed my tiny frame, I had a near death experience. In a flash my life was teetering between two worlds. To this day, I get chills when I recall the memory of what I experienced. While I was on fire, I could see myself looking down, at my physical body. As I saw myself lying dead in a coffin. My family and friends were at my funeral, surrounding me. They were overcome with grief, sobbing uncontrollably. I could not begin to comprehend how this could be happening. Was my time on Earth coming to an end? As I stood looking down at my family, my heart was wrenched in sorrow. I longed for one more chance to tell them how deeply I loved them. I could not leave this world, with even a glimmer of a doubt, wondering if they would ever understand how much they meant to me. They needed to know I was not leaving by choice. 

Suddenly, an angel appeared outside the ring of fire that raged over my body. She smothered the flames with a blanket that she found in closet, outside of my classroom. My prayers had been answered. A Spanish teacher, Miss Robertson, who was across the hall, had heard the explosion from my chemistry class. Not knowing why, she opened the closet door and discovered a blanket.

Grabbing it, she ran into my classroom and bravely fought the flames that were terrorizing my body. She later told me her actions were a direct response, to a voice she heard inside of her, guiding her to run to the supply closet. Without her, I know I would have surely perished in the fire. My classroom was not equipped with sprinklers or fire blankets. I have no doubt in my mind that I was saved by angel. 

Now, I would get my chance to reaffirm my love with those that I cherished so dearly. However, this came at a cost that I could never have fathomed. Although I did not die in the fire, I was entering a whole new dimension, which was completely unknown to me: Hell on Earth.

Each second that passed felt like an eternity. The paramedics and firemen arrived within minutes. Fortunately, my high school was just down the street from the fire station. As I was rushed through the hallways, I could see the terror on my classmates’ faces. I could only imagine how the piercing shrills, of my screams of terror, would reverberate for days within the school hallways. It was difficult to make sense of such a tragic occurrence.

If my conscious mind would have had any knowledge of what I was about to endure, it surely would have not have fought so desperately to survive. The paramedics could not give me anything at all for the excruciating pain that ravaged my body. I begged one of them to punch me in the face, anything that would put me into an unconscious state. Although her eyes filled with tears and exuded compassion, she was unable to grant me my wish.

Upon arriving at the emergency room, they proceeded to cut off my jeans, which were seared onto my body. As they cut them off, my burnt flesh was also ripped away. It would be five more hours before I was administered any pain medication. Even then, the morphine did very little to ease my pain. My saving grace came when I finally succumbed to exhaustion, and was able to fall asleep. 

My life still remained touch and go for the forty-eight hours that would follow. Although I did not realize it at the time, my body was filled with toxins. I was at grave risk of dying from blood poisoning. Deep second and third degree burns now covered a third of my body. The flames had ravaged my legs and abdomen. My porcelain skin was now a blanket of charred, raw, lesions that extended from below my knees, up the front and back of my legs, and onto my stomach. Surviving took on a completely new significance for me. It meant that I would be starting my life over, with a body that was not only unrecognizable, but also terrifying. Ugliness not only clenched its roots in my body, but also in my entire state of being.

Everyone around me knew that it took every ounce of my being to try and comprehend what was happening to me. I could not possibly bear anymore than I was already consciously aware of. I surely would have willed myself to die had I any prior knowledge of the months and years of excruciating physical and emotional pain that I would still have to endure.

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Where to Download Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Couldn’t put it down! By Kimberly Waite I cannot imagine a better book to read after going through a difficult experience! Beauty Unfolding helps you process what you are going through and turn the experience into something beautiful. Through frankly sharing her experiences, Kate Waite challenges you to examine your own heart and mind. The book gives you practical ideas and inspiration to create a beautiful life, including helping you see how your experience can turn you into a person who shows abundant grace to others. Looking forward to sharing copies with my friends and seeing how it creates beauty out of my experiences!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Generates both courage and motivation to make changes. By Jeff Uhl, PsyD I bought and read this book because Kate Waite is an old friend from High School. Much to my surprise this book directly relates to my work as a clinical psychologist. Beauty Unfolding is written in a way that is useful to both clinician and patient as a central point of discussion in their efforts to create a plan for change and generate enough courage and motivation to try to make things be different. At its core, Beauty Unfolding teaches resiliency, present moment mindfulness, and masterfully uses many Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. I provided a copy of this book to a couple of my patients and enjoyed assisting them find their own path in life as they read the book between sessions. Kate's sharing of her personal tragedies and struggles are validating and encouraging. The exercises in Beauty Unfolding helped uncover the reasons for becoming stuck in life and gave hope that they were not condemned to a life dominated by their physical and mental suffering. They particularly found chapter six, Omit Negativity and Limiting Beliefs, to be helpful. Whether you use Beauty Unfolding on your own or as a point of discussion with a therapist, I predict readers will be uplifted, encouraged, and motivated to make changes in their life and find more joy and happiness.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Beauty Unfolding a wonderful uplifting book to read and share with others... By amy I loved Kate Waite's book Beauty Unfolding, it truly inspired me. Kate shares how she was able to overcome life's unforeseen circumstances and still see the beauty that surrounds her. It was incredibly well written and visually aesthetically pleasing. Her chapters flowed beautifully and I didn't want to put her book down. I would recommend this book to everyone who enjoys an uplifting, positive, encouraging true story in spite of their life circumstances. It truly is filled with many gold nuggets that will bless your life... Thank You Kate for sharing such a personal part of your life that will help encourage others after they read your story...

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Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite
Beauty Unfolding: Beautiful New Beginnings After Pain and Loss, by Kate Waite

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