Rabu, 03 November 2010

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

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Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Best Ebook Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

The secret formula to effortless fat loss, ending your cravings and bad eating habits for good! This book is for all people who have tried and failed with other programs to lose weight, those who can't keep the weight off or anybody who would like to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Robin Webb, Certified Nutritionist walks you through the last diet program you will ever need. She developed this program after gaining 65 pounds with her first pregnancy and finding it impossible to shake the excess weight after she had the baby. She currently has a clinic in Denver, CO where she has helped hundreds of people achieve the weight loss results they have always desired and never thought they could have. You will lose weight in pure fat percentage, quicker than you ever thought possible without starving yourself and learn a realistic way to keep it off for good! Robin teaches you how and why our body stores fat and what you can do to flip on your internal fat burner! All in a healthy, doable way that will leave you feeling great and energized, you will not be hungry! On top of the weight loss protocol thoroughly explained; this book will also give you practical tips for optimizing your workout, recipes, ways to overcome mental blocks, a deep understanding of how your body processes food and what foods to avoid for health and weight loss. Most importantly, you will finally know how to achieve the body and health status you have always dreamed of. To learn more about Robin Webb visit amazon.com/author/robinwebb. To learn more about Robin's one of a kind weight loss program as well as to read more reviews, visit www.completeweightlossandwellness.com Reviews From Former Clients of Robin Webb's and Skinny Chick! Readers... This weight loss program is simply the best there is. I have lost and gained weight my entire life. It was always very easy to gain weight and very difficult to lose it again. I can't believe how quickly I lost weight and how different it was from previous times I have lost weight. I have always been irritable, hungry and miserable while losing weight before. On Robin's program I felt great, better than I ever have! It was almost too good to be true. No matter how hard I worked I could never lose my "muffin top", now, it is gone! I lost 30 pounds total and so far, I have kept it off! I really think my battle with my weight is over. It used to be so hard and now it is just easy. I wish I had the knowledge and tools in this book 20 years ago. Thank you Robin. Stacey M. I loved it so much, I read it in 2 days. Since I moved, I have wanted to do the protocol again, and couldn't find my print out. I am so happy to have it digitally now! Skinny Chick is amazing! So straightforward and eye opening. Thank you for putting your expertise and experience in one place. The 90/10 rule has really helped me stay on track, while living a fun, social life. I am so happy the Skinny Chick protein will be available on amazon.com. Since moving away from Denver, I have tried at least 20 protein powders and none are as delicious and low carb as yours. I have tried many diets and Robin's is by far the easiest and most effective. There are no pills or shots, just nutrition and science. On the protocol, I wasn't hungry and after the first few days of adjusting, I felt great and had more energy than normal. The Skinny Chick shakes really fill you up and are delicious! I travel a lot, so they're the perfect thing to have with me on the road. The protocol really helped me change my relationship with food as well as not gain weight every time I travel. Courtney Stewart

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #594544 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-02
  • Released on: 2015-06-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

About the Author Robin found her path to a career in health and wellness through being diagnosed with three major diseases in her early twenties. She struggled to get cured by all the best in Modern Medicine for two years and her health went into a fast downward spiral. After almost dying of a drug reaction and a prognosis of early death, multiple organ removal and never being able to bear children; she decided there must be another way to achieve health. She began to obsessively research diet and a more holistic lifestyle and its role in health. After many years of trial and error she not only got her diseases in remission; she became more healthy and vibrant than ever before, kept all of her organs, had a healthy baby girl and continues to better her health and fitness all the time. She decided to make it her mission to leave her lucrative career in Accounting to go back to school to become a Holistic Nutritionist so she could help others do the same. She graduated with high honors from Clayton College of Natural Health with a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition and went on to excel in all of the requirements and boards needed to be accepted for accreditation with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. She is now a Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor as well as a Wellness Coach who has been studying nutrition for ten plus years and has helped countless people overcome their own health challenges. She is truly passionate about helping others attain true health by staying on the cutting edge of the science of wellness and nutrition. The weight loss program that has become her specialty was created by her when nothing she did would make her own stubborn baby weight budge after having her baby in 2007 and has been perfected throughout the years.

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Highly recommended. We can get the skinny chicks we wanted after understanding this book. By Michael Braggard This book is so amazing. All I can say is, this is great! It explains everything very well from carbohydrates, sugar, glucose, protein etc as in everything that I need to know. It has also example of how to start this diet, what to eat on breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks and put the nutritional facts after. I really appreciate this book and most especially I salute the author for doing such a great job. I understand now how and what to eat, which is healthy or not and what I can get after taking it. I will be following the diet as soon as possible. Highly recommended. We can get the skinny chicks we wanted after understanding this book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Frustrated and then not frustrated..then Holy Cow did I lose weight!! By Michelle I would probably have given this book a higher review;however, the products she tells you to get, like her skinny chick thermo appetite suppressants and whey protein simply aren't there to purchase even though she says Amazon carries them. I even tried her http://skinnychickweightloss.com/ site and although the web page comes up, when you put in your email and try to access the elements on it(like the food journal) you get a "sorry what you are looking for is not here. I was all pumped up and ready to try this diet until I tried to access her site; I may edit this review if I try the diet but right now I am completely frustrated just trying to acquire the elements for the diet and my "pumped-up- nis" has declined drastically.She does give good mental visuals for how the body works and I appreciated that.I changed my review from 3 stars to 4 stars(when I get a chance to actually try the diet, it may go higher) because the author emailed me the day of my review and explained the problems she has been having with both her web page and her products. I am truly sorry it took me so long to edit this review but I am in a situation where I only have access to the internet for a few hours a day and life and other duties got in the way. The mere fact that she took the time to email me and offer to send me all of the items I could have downloaded off her web page speaks volumes about her commitment to, and her belief in, her system. From her emails I really believe in her desire to help others become happier, healthier individuals.I don't know if her protocol will do all she claims but I am willing to give it a try. I will, once again, edit this review if I feel it is needed(after I try her eating plan).So here I am editing my review again after trying Ms. Webb's eating plan. First let me give you a little info about me so you will understand how amazingly effective this plan was for me; I am 59 and have been "watching my wieght" all my adult life and still, as I aged, the pounds crept up; I have always been a very slow loser(1-2 pounds a week) even when I was very strict with myself so it became harder to stay on a diet when seeing almost no results for all my efforts. I also had a gastric problem which troubled me with increasing regularity and when I read how Ms. Webb had "cured" herself through food I had a "lightbulb" moment and thought, maybe this will work for me too. I have always eaten a lot of processed foods(sweets mainly) and thought that the "bad bacteria" in my gut had probably overrun the "good, healthy bacteria", so I went into the diet plan with the idea of using it as a medical treatment of sorts.So....the results: I lost 15-17pounds(I have an old scale and the amount changes from minute to minute) in the 3 weeks I was on the protocol and my gastric trouble has virtually disappeared!!! To say I was pleased with the results is an understatement of gigantic proportions(even though I was never out of the healthy BMI range, I seemed stuck on the higher end of my healthy weight range before the protocol). I did the protocol in July and the weight stayed off as long as I ate in a sensible manner; however, I became a addicted to nuts (I replaced the sweets I use to eat with fresh nuts) and have regained 5 pounds but that is my mistake and takes nothing away from the diets effectiveness. I am restarting a modifed protocol to lose the weight I reacquired and expect the same success.Although it is a strict eating protocol, it is easier to stay focused when you are seeing such wonderful results. The longer I restricted my carb intake the less I craved them so the diet was not too hard to maintain after the first few days. Please pay attention to Ms. Webb's admonitions about taking the suppliments and about not overindulging in carbs when you come off the protocol(I ate 1/2 a danish and was very sorry) she is only trying to save you some grief.Now for the Skinny Chick products I tried: I was very happy with the Skinny Chick Thermo--it did cut my appitite and give me energy. I have a very sensitive system(I guess that's the right way to phrase it) and Thermo was strong enough for me that I found I could not take it after 11 in the morning if I wanted to sleep at my regular time; however it never made me feel jittery. I think the author warns against taking it after 3 p.m. but that was too late in the day for me.I tried both the vanilla and chocolate shakes(preferred vanilla) and they were both good. I had never tried a protein shake before and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. In the intrest of full disclosure, I have tried 2 other(cheaper) brands since then and one was grainy and did not want to disolve(even in the blender) although it tasted alright, and the other one made me sick and I returned it(my sensitive system at work again).This eating plan really works. If you want to lose weight faster than you thought possible, give this a try...you don't have anything to lose(except the extra bit of "you" you don't want anyway) and maybe healthier as a result.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Look no further - this is a must read! By V. N. Bray If you are looking for a precise & easy read to start looking and feeling better, look no further. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It is one of the few books that actually allows you to eat A LOT of food and not only bars, shakes, etc. and starve yourself. You just have to re-train your mind a bit to reach for the right food. However, after only a short time on this meal plan (I am calling it a meal plan and not a 'diet' on purpose) my body started to crave yummy, healthy snacks and entrees and I have already lost 12 pounds. The book highlights all the 'need to know' areas of living a healthy lifestyle.We all know that our health is (or should be) our greatest wealth but very few of us really apply that quote day in and day out. Skinny Chick is a great reference to bring you back on track, advising on all of the healthy foods out there, including recipes (which are delicious) as well as nutritional supplements should you choose to incorporate them into your daily lifestyle. I highly recommend this book.

See all 16 customer reviews... Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

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Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb
Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry, by Robin Webb

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