Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

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Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Best Ebook Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Ten years after the first book, Lost, a mysterious witch hunter finds Cinderella and gives her a message that the faerie queen, Mab, searches to destroy her, and he asks her to return to England. Fearing that she will be pulled back into the maelstrom of Napoleon's war sprouting throughout Europe, Cinderella flees and wishes to remain free. Yet the further Cinderella runs from her fate, the more she is drawn back as she learns of a dark secret that forever changes her and sets her off on a course she might never survive.

Stolen is packed with intrigue, adventure, and just the right amount of romance that fans of the Cinderella's Secret Diaries series have come to expect.

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #138851 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-06-19
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 554 minutes
Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The Story Continues, and Doesn't Disappoint... By Amazon Customer Having loved Ron Vitale's first book in this series, I was eager to read the sequel. I must admit, because I had enjoyed the first book so much, I was worried the second might not measure up. Well, I'm happy to say, that I wasn't disappointed in the least. Many of the original characters return, and their roles and personalities are made clearer (at least to me... and incidentally, I'm sorry to say I've met more "Henri's" in my life than I care to remember). The new characters are rich, sometimes unexpected, and a welcome addition to the story (Yay, Jeremiah and the Radleys!). As with the first book, there are many twists and turns, and the adventures within left me needing to stop reading, periodically, and take a breath before plunging back in! In other words, this book moves very quickly and makes you think. I love that! Most of all, I was so glad to see the theme of the first book continuing without being overly repetitive, i.e., love of self precludes the ability to truly love someone else. Hence, Sophia (Cinderella) still has so much to learn, but she crosses an important bridge in this book, making a vital and painful (albeit correct) decision. Well, actually, she makes a lot of painful decisions in this story, but I'm only referring to one... you'll know the one I mean when you read it. At the risk of sounding corny, I found myself feeling so proud of her! Ok, I guess I've gushed enough. Needless to say, I can't wait for the next installment...

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Wish It Had A Greater Purpose By Literary R&R Mandy's Review:I rather enjoyed the first book in this series, Lost, so I was eagerly anticipating reading Stolen. I must say that I didn't like Stolen as much as I did Lost. At first, it appeared that Stolen was about Cinderella's defeat of Queen Mab. Upon my reflection of the book after finishing, it seemed that this book was more of a set up for the third novel in this series.Cinderella, Renee, and Phoebe are still in America when Stolen opens up. Cinderella's been traveling the dream line to go back to Henri over and over again, hoping that it will ignite his love for her. She's also been having dreams concerning Queen Mab, a witch hunter, and Phoebe's death. When the witch hunter finally catches up to her, it's to bring her back to her ex-mother-in-law, the Queen of England. Cinderella refuses to go back ... until the promise of seeing Henri and the potential harm to her daughter overcomes her selfish desire to stay away.Speaking of Henri ... the man is a cad. Yet, for some unknown reason, Cinderella remains in love with him. Her obsession of him is a little much for me. It's been ten years, for Pete's sake ... let the man go. It's obsessions like hers that causes men to consider women as psycho. He doesn't love her and has told her as much several times, yet she refuses to believe it.Queen Mab isn't who she appears to be. Yes, she's the Queen of the faeries, but she's "related" to someone very close to Cinderella. So, does that make Cinderella evil? Or is Queen Mab not as bad as the rest of the world seems to think?I did enjoy the twists and turns that the author put into this story. Just when I thought I knew something about the story, it turned out I'd be wrong. I actually like it when that happens because a predictable book is a somewhat boring book. What I missed in this book was the purpose behind it. All that seemed to be accomplished was that Cinderella eventually came to terms with Henri's lack of love for her and the death of several people ... but not the ones that should have died. As I mentioned earlier, this book just seemed to be setting up for the third novel.Stolen was well-written and engaging ... I just wished there was a greater purpose to the story. I'm still interested in reading the third installment to see what happens next.*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great for fans of all genres By David Watson Fairy tales don't always have happy endings and sometimes there is a lot more to the story that we don't know. In the book Cinderella's Secret Diary (Book 1:Lost), Ron Vitale told what happened to Cinderella after she married the prince. Cinderella's life didn't turn out like she planned. In the end of the book Cinderella is living with her daughter Phoebe in America in the late 1700s. In Stolen:Cinderella's Secret Diaries (Book 2) by Ron Vitale, its 10 years later and Cinderella is still in America and on the run.The book begins with Cinderella, her daughter and their friend Rene'e on a prairie in America heading west in a wagon. Ten years ago Cinderella discovered she was a witch, Rene'e is also a witch and has been teaching Cinderella to use her powers. The trio of women want to keep their freedom and live in America but dark forces are calling them back to England.A witch hunter named Jeremiah has been hunting Cinderella for months. He plans to return her to England so she can use her powers to help England win the war against France. French Emperor Napoleon is under the control of the Faerie Queen Mab who wants to destroy Cinderella's powers and rule all of Europe. Cinderella wants to stay out of the war but another force is also pulling her back to England. Cinderella never got over her former lover Henri and she goes to him in her dreams. Queen Mab and the witch hunter are using Cinderella's dreams to track her and soon Cinderella finds herself trapped in a war that only she can stop.Stolen is a book that works on many different levels and it can fit into several different genres. The story could be considered science fiction with its use of time travel, fantasy with the use of magic, horror as the spirit of pestilence ravages the countryside and alternate history as the story gets into Native American history and European history. There is also is a lot of great battle scenes in the book.Along with the theme of loving the wrong person and dealing with loneliness the book has great characters. The two main characters in Stolen are Cinderella and Queen Mab, they both love someone who doesn't love them and are lonely. The two women make mistakes that effect everyone around them and the book ends up being about them correcting their mistakes and growing from them.I loved how Queen Mab is presented as being evil but as you get to know her you sympathize with her and you see her as a shade of grey. All of the characters in Stolen are shades of grey, the villains have their good points and the protagonists have their bad points. They have their own agendas and everyone in the book reminds you of someone you would meet in real life.My only complaint about the book is that there was almost too much going on. A little over half way through the book, the story gets into time travel and the characters visit so many different locations and times that I found myself getting a little confused. That being said I still was excited to see what would happen next.Stolen is a fast paced action packed thrill ride with fascinating characters and beautiful settings. I felt that Stolen was better than the first book in the series and I am very curious as to where Ron Vitale will go with the third book in the series. Stolen has something for fans of all genres and you owe it to yourself to give it a chance.

See all 14 customer reviews... Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

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Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale
Stolen: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries, Book 2, by Ron Vitale

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