Rabu, 02 April 2014

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

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The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

Best Ebook The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

AS SOMEONE OVERCOMING LONG-TERM ILLNESS or serious disease, you are probably aware of the many pitfalls and challenges that come with physical healing. Perhaps you have found yourself feeling trapped by your body in its current condition or doubting that you will ever experience health again. No doubt your emotions have played a huge role in this journey so far, as you have swung between hope and optimism that you will return to health, and back to doubt and fear that your body will never change. In this ground breaking book you will not only learn how to transform your current emotional climate, but you will also discover how healing your emotional state plays a vital role in transforming your physical condition too. Using the increasingly popular and powerful tool Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), you will be taken on a journey of resolving the underlying causative factors of your physical condition. You will learn how to: • Identify the triggers of your condition • Resolve the underlying emotional drivers of your illness • Release symptoms and alleviate physical pain • Transform the condition on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level With tools and practices that you can self apply, this book is a manual for self-healing. It is also fast becoming the number one resource for EFT practitioners to share with their clients, in order to deepen the work they are doing together. “You have in your hands a book that could quite literally transform your emotional health. It may transform your physical health in the process too.” –Karl Dawson, EFT Master and co-author of Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT and Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life.

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #314733 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-19
  • Released on: 2015-06-19
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

About the Author ANNABEL FISHER has worked with thousands of chronically ill clients from around the world since 2004. Her journey with this work began when she healed a chronic health condition for which she was wheelchair bound. She is the creator of The Healing Game Process and the leading authority on using this process to reclaim vibrant health and true authenticity. She is also the host of the radio show, The Healing Game.

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

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Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. beautiful, inspiring and deeply compassionate and loving woman she ... By Ingrid Dinter The connection between emotional stress and physical illness is well known. How often have you heard that you should "just relax" and "let go of the past" or else it was going to make you sick? As long as life seems manageable, or other things seemed to have a bigger priority, you might have brushed this advise aside. Maybe the amount of work it might take overwhelmed you. Maybe you didn't know how to start. Maybe you didn't feel that there was "something wrong with you."But what do you do when you learn that, yes, it can happen to you, too: You just got diagnosed with a serious, maybe life threatening disease? All of a sudden, you have to find a way to save your life. You have to do whatever it takes. You realize that no medical doctor addresses what we know as stress, emotional trauma and traumatic events that led you to belief less about yourself. You might talk with a therapist about what happened, but often leave her office with more insights, but emotionally even more distraught and upset than you felt when you went it.And still you know: Healing the sadness, the fear, the abandonment, the unhappiness, even from events and memories that happened many years ago, might be the difference between living and dying.Where do you begin this journey to healing your serious disease?With "The Healing Game", you are holding the key in your hand.Annabel Fisher has lived the journey she describes, from being so sick that she had to live her life minute by minute, through the pain, the fear and depression, to walking her talk step by step to the vibrant, beautiful, inspiring and deeply compassionate and loving woman she is today.She has helped thousands to do as she did. And she has mastered the art of communicating her life's work to those who are looking for healing.With "The Healing Game", Annabel created a manual, a road map of her process, that even lay people can easily understand and follow.Wether you want to help yourself, gift the book to someone close to you or use her wisdom and guidance in your professional practice, the honest, powerful and deeply vulnerable style of Annabel Fisher's book will make it easy for all readers to get hope, focus and "get stuff done".I had the honor to work with Annabel in 2014 and 2015 after a breast cancer recurrence, which was supposed to be irreversible. Trusting her compassionate and focussed healing guidance completely, I was given the chance to release memories so deeply hidden that I was stunned to observe what I was still carrying around with me.Using EFT and Martix Reimprinting, those contributing negative energies and hidden stressors were dissolved completely within just a few sessions. And combined with the right diet and cleansing, my tumors began to shrink within days, the tumor markers dropping from an unhealthy 114.6 (0-40 is the normal range) in June to 43.3 in September, 22.3 in November and staying in the completely normal range since.The pain is completely gone, and I am doing side planks in yoga now, push wheelbarrows through the backyard and the doctor can no longer find the tumors that used to be 2-3 cm in diameter.I doubt that I would have been able to achieve this without Annabel, and I highly recommend her book to anybody who is desperate to find a way to heal their illness, and committed and willing to do the work it takes.I hope you find Annabel and this book in time, and I wish that you have the courage to do everything she suggests.You can heal your life, and you can heal your body.Thank you Annabel for your healing mastery and your friendship!

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Highly recommended, provides huge insight and awareness By Liesel If you've been suffering from a long-term or serious disease and feel anxious, terrified, confused, disappointed, blame your body for letting you down and have tried absolutely everything to no avail… this book is for you!As an EFT Practitioner and Trainer, my clients often say "I just don't know what to work on next!" In this heart-journey book, Annabel gives us a clear structure and profound yet simple recipe to clear out the emotional contributors and limiting beliefs that often lurk underneath the surface of illness. Any reader will be able to help themselves with this valuable 9-element format, to effect ease, grace, relief and healing (emotional and physical) in their lives.I can't recommend Annabel's book highly enough for anyone who have put themselves last on their own priority list as a matter of course. It's easy to understand, thorough and fun to work through, even though it covers a serious topic. Her clear message that illness is an opportunity to heal our inner wounds, offers hope and love to the troubled body-mind and soul.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. I felt as though I was sitting in Annabel’s office, and she was walking me through the healing process. By Peggy Mangan R.N. This book is amazing! I felt as though I was sitting in Annabel’s office, and she was walking me through the healing process. Her confidence and compassion came through in every paragraph. Knowing first-hand about the despair of a chronic illness that kept her wheelchair-bound for years, Annabel Fisher set out to heal herself with the exact tool I used to heal myself of stage IV cancer (Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT). While helping thousands of clients become well, she expertly mapped out the journey for you and guides you every step of the way.I highly recommend the Healing Game to anyone suffering from Chronis illness or practitioners working with clients with chronic illness.

See all 38 customer reviews... The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

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The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher
The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT, by Annabel Fisher

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