Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

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Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Read Ebook Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Molly’s up against the undead—and the fate of Manhattan is in her hands—in the third and final book of the Dead City trilogy, which Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins says “breathes new life into the zombie genre.”Molly and the Omegas fight to contain the storm unleashed by Operation Blue Moon. As they do, Molly’s personal life is thrown into turmoil when she discovers that one of her closest friends has joined the ranks of the undead, a development that threatens the Omegas as well as Molly’s relationship with her mother. As Molly and her friends fight the Dead Squad (a special NYPD task force made up entirely of zombies), they discover that the world’s largest gold reserve is kept in a vault eighty feet below the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. They find a photograph of the vault’s construction in the 1920s and realize that the construction crew was led by none other than the leader of the undead, Marek Blackwell. Could this explain the source of all his money? And if so, what is he planning to do with it? Is he rebuilding Dead City…or is he building an undead army?

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #54050 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-06
  • Released on: 2015-10-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x 1.00" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 304 pages
Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

About the Author James Ponti was born in Italy, raised in Florida, and went to college in California. After receiving a degree in screenwriting from the USC Film School, he began a career writing and producing television shows for the likes of Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, Spike TV, History Channel, and Golf Channel. James loves writing, travel, and the Boston Red Sox. He lives with his family in Maitland, Florida.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Dark Days

The Hamlet Suite

The biggest lie perpetrated by the Christmas card industry has nothing to do with flying reindeer and everything to do with snow. Greeting card snow is festive and fun, but real snow is just cold and annoying. That’s why all the people on the sidewalk were hurrying to get out of it. Well, all of them except for me. “You know we could always wait inside,” Grayson said, pointing toward the lobby with his head so he didn’t have to take his hands out of his pockets. “I hear they’ve got electricity and heat.” “If we go in the lobby, Hector will send us up to the apartment; and I don’t want to go to the apartment without Alex,” I replied. “I want us all to go together. Like a team.” Hector was the doorman in Natalie’s building, and like all good doormen on the Upper West Side he didn’t let you just hang out in his lobby. He kept you moving, especially when the weather was bad. That meant we had two options: stand in the snow and wait for Alex, or go up to Natalie’s apartment and start without him. “Let’s just give him five more minutes,” I said. “If he isn’t here by then, we’ll go anyway.” It was the first time we were visiting Natalie since she’d been released from the hospital. The first time the four of us were going to be alone since the epic failure that was New Year’s Eve, when Marek Blackwell came back from the dead and Natalie wound up in intensive care. Even though I was excited to see her, a part of me was dreading it. I felt responsible for everything that happened and wouldn’t have been surprised if she blamed me too. I was worried that our friendship, which meant everything to me, was about to come to a sudden end. That’s why I wanted to wait for Alex. I needed all the friendly faces I could get. “Is everything all right?” A police officer was asking us. He was tall, over six feet, and had broad shoulders. His name tag said PELL and he was curious as to why Grayson and I didn’t have enough sense to get out of the snow. “We’re fine, officer,” I replied. “We’re just waiting for a friend.” “Well, don’t wait too long or you’ll catch cold,” he said. “Or even worse, your ears might freeze off.” “That would be bad,” I said with a laugh. “I like my ears right where they are.” He gave me a strange look and replied with sudden seriousness, “I’m not joking. Do you have any idea what that looks like?” I traded a bewildered glance with Grayson before I asked, “Do I have any idea what what looks like?” “What it looks like when your ears freeze off?” he said. “It’s terrible. Let me show you.” With no further warning, Officer Pell reached up and peeled his left ear off the side of his head. A pulpy green membrane hung from it as he dangled it in front of my face and started laughing. That’s when I noticed his orange and yellow teeth and realized that in addition to being one of New York’s Finest, he was also one of New York’s Deadest. He was a Level 2 zombie with a twisted sense of humor. I let out a scream and that only made him laugh harder. Between the snow, the traffic, and everybody rushing along the sidewalk, no one even noticed. You gotta love New York. “Let this be a warning,” he said as he waved it by the lobe, pieces of zombie ear goop flinging past our faces. “We’ve got our eyes on you.” He thought for a second and chuckled before adding, “And now I guess . . . we’ve got our ears on you too.” With that, he flicked the ear right at me and it stuck to my jacket. I did a hand flap dance for a couple seconds until I knocked it off, and by the time the ear hit the ground, Officer Pell had disappeared into the crowd. Grayson stared at me in stunned silence before stammering, “Did that really just happen? Did that really just happen?” I nodded rather than answer, worried that if I opened my mouth my lunch might spew all over the sidewalk. The encounter was disturbing, and not just because his ear stuck to me. (Although, by no means do I want to diminish how disturbing that particular detail was.) Looking back, it seemed as though he’d been waiting for us, like he knew we were coming. There was also the ominous threat that we were being watched. But worst of all was the idea that there was a Level 2 zombie on the police force. An L2 has no conscience, no sense of right and wrong. Combine that with the power of an NYPD badge and it’s a terrifying mix. Alex was oblivious to all of this when he finally arrived a couple minutes later. He gave us a funny look and asked, “What’s wrong with you two? You don’t look so good.” I still felt sick to my stomach, so I signaled Grayson to answer instead. He filled Alex in on what happened and by the time he was wrapping up the ear throwing portion of the story, I’d finally calmed down enough to talk. “Are you sure he was a cop?” Alex asked. “And not just a security guard in a similar uniform?” “Positive,” I said. “He was NYPD.” “What does he look like?” “Let’s see, he’s tall and spooky and . . . oh, yeah . . . he only has one ear,” I snapped, even though Alex didn’t deserve it. “Imagine Van Gogh but in a police uniform.” Alex ignored my attitude and kept asking questions. It’s the type of focus that makes him a great Omega. He wanted to run through everything while it was still fresh in our minds. “Did he have a precinct number on his collar? A name tag under his badge?” “I didn’t notice any number,” Grayson said. “But he did have a name tag. His name is Pell.” “That’s good,” Alex replied. “That’s real good.” That’s when I remembered another detail. “He also had a patch on his left shoulder. I noticed it when he turned to rip his ear off his head.” “What did the patch look like?” I closed my eyes and tried to picture it fully in my mind. “It was red and had a dog on it, maybe more than one dog. I’m not sure. I got kind of distracted when he started peeling off his ear.” “A lot of the squads have their own patches,” Alex said. “He could be with one of the K-9 units. I’ll check with my uncle Paul to see if he can help.” Uncle Paul was a longtime police officer and a real father figure for Alex, whose actual father had almost no involvement in his life. “Now for the most important question,” Alex continued. “Are you two going to be okay?” To be honest I wasn’t sure. I took a deep breath, and despite my typical dislike of snow, the flakes falling on my face were cool and soothing. I just stood like that for a moment and then I said, “Yes, I’m okay.” “Me too,” added Grayson. “Good, because we’re about to visit someone who’s recovering from a serious zombie attack, and I don’t want to get her worked up about another one. You saw her in the hospital. She’s nowhere near full strength.” “You’re right,” I said. “Should we even tell her about it?” asked Grayson. Alex thought about this for a moment. “We’ll see. For now let’s just play it by ear.” It took me a second to get the joke. “Oh . . . by ear . . . that’s so funny,” I said sarcastically. Alex tried to keep from laughing as he said, “Just checking to make sure you still have your sense of humor.” Although Natalie lived on the twelfth floor, her family had temporarily moved downstairs so their apartment could be remodeled. Considering it was already the nicest apartment I’d ever seen, I couldn’t imagine how they were improving it. But as someone who hates heights I was more than happy with the change. We took the stairs to the second floor and knocked on the door to 2-B. “Check it out,” Grayson said, pointing to the number. “Hamlet.” Alex gave him a curious look. “What do you mean Hamlet?” “2-B,” he said, as if this were obvious. “ ‘To be or not to be, that is the question.’ It’s, like, the most famous line in the play.” “Have I ever told you that you’re weird?” Alex asked. “Yes,” replied Grayson. “Frequently.” Natalie opened the door, but only part way, and peered out at us. Her face was pale and she had a confused, almost sleepy look in her eyes. “Hey, Natalie, it’s so great to see you up and out of the hospital bed,” said Alex. She cocked her head to the side and squinted as she studied him more closely. “Do I know you?” It was devastating. “Of course you do,” he said. “I’m Alex. We’ve been friends for years. This is Grayson and Molly.” She studied our faces but didn’t seem to recognize any of us. I was heartbroken. I think we’d assumed that since she’d been released from the hospital, she was doing better. Now we just stood there silently as we tried to think of what to say. That’s when she laughed. “You guys are such suckers. You should see your expressions,” she said as she finally opened the door all the way. “Welcome to the Hamlet Suite.” “That’s not funny,” Alex bellowed. “That’s not funny at all.” “Ooooh,” I mocked. “All of a sudden it’s Mr. Comedian who doesn’t have a sense of humor.” “By the way, did you hear what she called the apartment?” Grayson asked as he gave Alex a little poke in the shoulder. “The Hamlet Suite.” “That only proves that you’re both weird,” he replied. I think it was the first time I’d laughed in weeks. Once she stopped pretending she had amnesia, Natalie seemed more like her normal self, although her voice was still weak. We had gourmet hot chocolate that her mom special ordered from a café on the Upper West Side (It was ridiculously fancy, with shaved peppermint bark and marshmallow chunks, but it was beyond delicious) and we sat down in a family room that looked oddly familiar. “Why do I feel like I’ve been here before?” Grayson asked, looking around. “Because you kind of have,” she said. “This apartment is ten floors directly below my apartment, so the layout is identical. My parents had everything brought down and put in the exact same place. Every room, every wall, every everything looks the same. Well, everything except for my room.” “Why’s that?” I asked. “It looks a little less bedroom and a little more intensive care unit,” she said. “I guess it’s an advantage of having surgeons as parents. They have access to lots of medical equipment.” She tried to play it off as a joke, but I could tell that it bothered her. In a weird way, though, it made me happy. Natalie’s parents rarely made time for her in their busy lives. Maybe now, when she needed them most, they were finally coming through. “Speaking of your parents,” Alex said, “are they around?” “Nope. Dad had to go to the hospital to check on a patient, and Mom is running some errands,” she replied. “We’ve got about thirty minutes until she gets back, so let’s start talking.” That gave us just enough time to talk all things Omega. It also let me tell them what I’d wanted to say since the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. “Before we talk about anything else, there’s something I need to say.” I took a deep breath and just tried to blurt it all out at once. “I’m so sorry. I’m so breathtakingly sorry. Everything’s my fault. I didn’t just think Marek was dead, I was certain of it. I saw him fall from the top of the George Washington Bridge. There was no doubt in my mind. You all believed me . . . and I was wrong.” “Yeah,” said Natalie. “About that. How did he survive the fall?” “They rebuilt him,” replied Alex. “They used body parts from his brother and cousins to make him whole again.” “Okay,” Natalie said. “There goes my appetite for the rest of the day.” Then she looked right at me. “So how is that your fault?” It turned out she didn’t blame me. None of them did. I don’t know why. I mean, I still blamed myself, but it was an incredible relief. Once I’d gotten my apology out of the way, we tried to fill in the blanks for Natalie about what happened that night. Not surprisingly, her memory was incomplete. “How much do you remember?” asked Alex. “Let’s see,” she said, straightening her posture. “I remember Molly calling us all to the steps in front of the library. And I remember the showdown in the old printing press room. There were a lot of bad guys and not so many good guys until Molly’s mom and her Omega team arrived. Then there was a big fight, and that’s where it starts to get fuzzy.” Grayson asked, “Do you remember who you were fighting?” Natalie nodded. “I think it was the big redhead, right? Edmund.” “That’s right,” I said. “It was Edmund.” “So what happened to him after he was done with me?” she asked. We exchanged glances for a moment before Grayson answered. “Alex happened to him,” he said. “It was unbelievable,” I added. “Edmund didn’t even get to throw a punch. Alex saw what he did to you, and he unleashed the wrath of krav maga and killed him on the spot. And when the others saw what he did, they all pretty much ran away.” The memory of this quieted us all for a moment, until Natalie looked over at Alex and said, “Always my hero.” “That’s funny, because a few minutes ago you didn’t even recognize my face,” he joked. They shared a look and it was pretty great. It was a look of total trust and friendship. During their time in Omega they had each saved the other too many times to count. “So what’s the plan?” she asked, breaking the moment. “What do you mean?” I replied. “Marek’s back and Dead City is more dangerous than ever,” she said. “How is Omega responding?” The boys and I shared a nervous look, and then I turned back to Natalie. “We’re not,” I said. “Omega has terminated all activity.”

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The Omega team is back! By Reading is my ESCAPE from Reality! I loved the entire Dead City series. James Ponti did a fantastic job creating a believable world filled with relatable characters to love and villains to hate. The characters have flaws and self-doubt but manage to overcome them. I love the unusual explanation for the existence of zombies.There are some twists in this book that surprised me a bit and that was fun. I did feel like the ending was too sudden. I expected more action and suspense. The overall story seems to wrap up nicely though and I think this might be the last book in the series.This book is great for kids with an interest in zombies. It is fun and not too scary, but it is suspenseful. In our school, it is popular among the 4th and 5th graders. It appeals to both boys and girls.Recommended to:Boys and girls in grades 4-8, especially those who like their zombie stories a little less scary and not so gross. Scary rating: 2/5, Gross rating 3/5.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love this series By Raq OMG it is the best book ever it makes me want to be an omega and the twist is sooooo great and unexpected I cried at the end of the series and I'm begging James Ponti to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make another and one where Marek and Milton actually aren't dead that'd be AWSOME

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Amazing By Long B Nguyen I bought this book for my daughter and she finished the whole series in 2 or 3 days, she LOVED it I recommend it for any kid who loves the Hunger Games with a little twist :)

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Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti
Dark Days (Dead City), by James Ponti

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

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Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Download Ebook Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

A backpacker's guide, Backpacking Idaho features 50 trails statewide. Included here is up-to-date trail information, accurate directions to popular and less-traveled trails, difficulty ratings, detailed trail maps, and Leave No Trace camping tips.

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #165448 in Books
  • Brand: Falconguides (COR)
  • Published on: 2015-06-01
  • Released on: 2015-06-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.06" h x .65" w x 6.10" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 288 pages
  • - Backpacking hikes suited to every ability
Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Where to Download Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Rip-off of Hiking Idaho By Kindle Customer This book, Backpacking Idaho (2015) is an author-free, derivative volume of 46 trips or hikes. These hikes were selected by some persons at FalconGuides from among the 102 hikes in the prior book, Hiking Idaho, 3rd edition (2014) by Ralph and Jackie Maughan and Luke Kratz.Backpacking Idaho's text and its photos were all taken from Hiking Idaho, but the paper is of much lower quality. As a result, the photos are of low contrast, and as a result, often poor quality. Mislabeled photos and other typos in Hiking Idaho were not corrected, and so they were carried over into Backpacking Idaho.We are the authors of Hiking Idaho, 1st and 2nd editions. We had no hand in Hiking Idaho's third edition, and we receive no royalties from it. We think Luke Kratz did a good job updating Hiking Idaho to its third edition.In Backingpacking Idaho, the “editors of Falcon Guides” thanked Jackie and I and Luke Kratz for these hikes/backpacks. We, Ralph and Jackie Maughan, however, did not give Rowman and Littlefield permission to use them and we did not know they were included until the book was published this June 2015.You can get 102 hikes for $17.80 in Hiking Idaho or just 46 of these hikes for $15.45 in Backpacking Idaho.It is hard to know why Backpacking Idaho exists. It might have something to do with FalconGuides being sold by Globe-Pequot to Rowman and Littlefield during 2014.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Kelly Thesan cant wait to take a trip next summer...

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Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)
Backpacking Idaho: A Guide to the State's Best Backpacking Adventures (Where to Hike)From Falconguides (COR)

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

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This diary is the property of Snow White. Strictly speaking, I'm not supposed to keep a diary. No fairytale characters are. It's the unwritten rule of the land. And now I know why: because life here is so unlike anything people in the real world have been led to believe. Once it's finished, I'll have to find a hiding place for it. But if you're holding it now, it means it's been found, and the truth about my life can finally be revealed…

The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #95005 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-19
  • Released on: 2015-10-19
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

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Where to Download The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Clever and VERY funny By Book Kitty The book is an amazing re-imagining of the old fairytales. Snow white (the fairest in the land) has insecurities just like any other young girl. And so when prince charming turns up early, she doesn't feel ready to live happily ever after. And because her own stories been changed, she decides to help a host of other fairytale characters in peril. A laugh out loud ride through the world of fairytales we all grew up with. This book is a clever little gem. I loved it.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Great read for a day that's too perfect to stay indoors! By Macromama My great niece and I shared reading this aloud on a beautiful day in a swing on the front porch. It was great entertainment and written with a great sense of humor and lots of twists to a combination of fairy tales while bringing out many human characteristics that confound us all (and certainly our youth). Can't imagine it NOT capturing your interest and we are looking forward to reading the next one: "The lost diary of Orange Orange" and the third "The Return of Snow". All are part of the "The Fairytale Chronicles"! I'm 70 yrs young and she is 10 yrs old, so I'd say it's fun for any age!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Magic read for girls By TFLReader A fabulous read for girls who know what it's like to feel insecure. If the fairest in the land can have insecurities then anybody can right? It's clever, big hearted and funny. So maybe not to everyone's taste.

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The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent
The Lost Diary of Snow White: The Fairytale Chronicles Book One, by Boyd Brent

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

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Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Best PDF Ebook Online Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

From the NINE TIME #1 Bestselling Medical Author & Educator – Essential Oils for Your Healthy Menopause Your periods dried up eight months ago – you are in the throes of another meltdown (your friends called it a hot flash) and your 30 year old male doctor (who cannot even begin to relate to your middle age women issues) just announced with a grin that you have gone through menopause. You wonder if you should flip him a fish and also if you got an all woman jury would they let you off for killing all the men around you (like this smarmy young doctor)? He hands you a prescription for estrogens and you ask if it was from horses – he just looks at you. Then he offers you birth control pills. You reminded him he treated you for blood clots a few years ago plus your mom had died from breast cancer so NO THANKS. You eventually get out of that #@%*%$ office after paying an arm and a leg on your co-pay. And wonder if you’re going crazy. NO YOU ARE NOT. Your friends tell you to try essential oils. And you scratch your head. What are those? Journey now with Dr Dan Purser, the famous MD endocrinology and essential oil researcher, as he takes you gently through a healthy menopause, sharing with you the history and research secrets that have been shown to work in maintaining a healthy menopause. Learn what women’s hormones decline in menopause (detailed referenced lists) and what essential oils that have shown to help maintain a healthy natural menopause. This is his long awaited update and sequel to his SEVEN WOMEN’S HEALTH CONCERNS that was hugely popular and is written in the same easy and friendly medical vernacular that has made Dr Purser one of the most popular speakers and medical educators & authors worldwide (NINE #1 books here on AMAZON). In this book the famous endocrine researcher expertly covers technologies and lab tests few other doctors even mention or know about -- information such as: How to figure out which oils you might need rather menopause pills How these essential oils can help you relax and have a better quality of life Which oil can support your estrogen levels through your healthy menopause Roman history on the use of these oils Which oil was used in the Dark Ages throughout Europe to help support the nuns through menopause Learn what your menopause symptoms mean and which hormone is depleted to cause them Which oil has been historically used to decrease men’s libidos and increase women’s! How to know almost immediately if your essential oils are helping Why natural options and therapies are so much better than big pharma Why doing all of this naturally will make you FEEL BETTER & SEXIER Why making these more natural and considerate choices helps your HEART & BRAIN Learn about essential oils and how they can also help your rest A fun book full of tips for healthy natural remedies that help you balance hormones and get quick relief that you won’t be able to put down. Enjoy this natural menopause survival book as you see why Dr Purser, the MD author of the Program 120 Guide (a 750 page textbook on hormones and preventive medicine) is both entertaining and vastly enlightening, as you deal with your healthy menopause in a more positive and natural manner. BUY NOW! Every day that passes you have worse issues. Transform to more natural options – as natural as they get -- buy this little book and dive deeper and take charge of your menopause!

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #475014 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-14
  • Released on: 2015-06-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Where to Download Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. I love ALL of his books By Katie Dr Purser hits another home run. I love ALL of his books ! They are easy to understand and well written. I have even shared many with my home town doctor.This book reaaly helps with common issues so many women struggle with everyday and includes easy to find remedies!! Thank you Dr. Purser.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Brenda H. Great information. Easy to understand. Love this book.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Enjoyed this book immensely By Samuel Vallery Enjoyed this book immensely....very well written...and a great alternative for people who don't want to take medicine. Thank you Dr. Purser for ANOTHER well researched, easy to understand book on women's health alternatives. I personally have friends that can't live without their essential oils, especially the ones for hot flashes. Great book....awesome Doctor!!! What would we do without you? Kim

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Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD
Essential Oils & Healthy Menopause: History and Research Secrets, by Dan Purser MD

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

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The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

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This edition has Eighty-Three characters that interact in the fun, sometimes unwillingly. Come and join them as the Possums turn their everyday lives into hilarious antics. Tag along as Jed and the family become entangled with the family goat and learn that there is more living in the woods around them than they suspected. There is no telling what this adventurous family can get themselves into. You will learn about how the whole adventure takes place and it is told from young Jed’s perspective. This book is fun for all ages lots of laughs, lots of twists and turns as Jed meets and befriends Clove a young Sasquatch. To find his lifelong child hood friend betrays him creating intense moments, and leaving Clove and his three brothers suspect also putting the whole community into the spot light.

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2161306 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-17
  • Released on: 2015-06-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

About the Author After the 2008 mortgage crisis I found myself really needing to reinvent my life. Over the past few years numerous friends and family members have expressed that I should write a book. A year and half ago, I decided to undertake this challenge. So with that in mind, I chose to write about some of the comical antics that happened to me as a child. Some of the antics were my families, I wish I could take credit for them but I cannot. As for myself, I hope as you read you have as much fun as I did writing this story.

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

Where to Download The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The Possum Family of Defiance Road is funny, charming with a personal touch! By Mr 504 The Possum Family of Defiance Road book is funny, charming with a personal touch like I have never read before. This author, went from the evolution of the family in a most hilarious way to then bringing you the reader to really experience what he witnessed with his family day to day adventures. I could not put it is like you are part of the family laughing and chasing after something, I am not going to tell you so that you can enjoy when you read it, but truly it does captivates your attention. Get the book!! I really hope this books is turned into a series on tv or some movie, because any family can relate with this. I love how he describes what every child goes through that boarder line imagination with real life!! Awesome Book!! From Marilyn Holzmann Author of Creation Formula and Create A Happy Life Now.

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The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson
The Possum Family of Defiance Road, by Jeffrey Johnson

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

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Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Best PDF Ebook Online Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

This stunning book contains a wealth of delicious recipes that reflect the flavours and traditional dishes of the Gulf states. Little is known about this fascinating and ancient cuisine and "Cardamom and Lime" aims to provide readers with the inspiration to create these wonderful dishes. The book starts with a detailed introduction on the history of the Gulf, a glossary of ingredients, herbs and spices used in the cooking and information on major culinary influences. There then follow five chapters: Rice; Lamb, chicken and fish; Vegetables; Desserts; Teas and coffees. With recipes ranging from Aromatic Rice, Fragrant Lamb Pilaf, Kebabs, Potato Cakes and Baked Fish with Nut Stuffing to Milky Rice Pudding and Pomegranate and Guava Salad, there is plenty here to tempt the tastebuds. Throughout the book there are stunning photographs and feature spreads to give a flavour of life in the Gulf, making this a unique and eye-opening look at this wonderfully traditional cuisine.

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1574791 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-26
  • Released on: 2015-10-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

From Publishers Weekly Armchair tourists who assume that all Middle Eastern cooking is the same will find Al-Hamad's collection of Arabian comfort foods a delicious and delightful surprise. Guided by home cooks native to the Gulf region, Al-Hamad shares recipes for rich and hearty stews, a luscious curry and spinach-based porridge known as Shilla, and Gaboot, an intriguing sweet and sour dumpling dish. Many uses are offered for fish, the bounty of the region: stuffed and baked, incorporated into a flavorful stew and served over rice. Desserts include a simple date-based fudge, crunchy fried dough balls infused with saffron and cardamom called Saimat, and Balaleet, a combination of vermicelli noodles and a hearty omelet. Yes, kebabs and biryani are included, but diversions like flavorful Bengalese potato croquettes and lush, deceptively simple lentil soup (goosed with cooked limes) set the book apart, making it an authentic blend of familiar and exotic. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Review "Armchair tourists who assume that all Middle Eastern cooking is the same will find Al-Hamad's collection of Arabian comfort foods a delicious and delightful surprise... an authentic blend of familiar and exotic." --Publishers Weekly

From the Back Cover This stunning book contains a wealth of delicious recipes that reflect the flavors and traditional dishes of the Arabian Gulf: Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Little is known in the West about this rich cuisine. Cardamom and Lime provides readers with the inspiration to create these wonderful dishes. Throughout the book there are beautiful photographs and feature spreads to give a flavor of life in the Gulf and its mouthwatering cuisine.

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Where to Download Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Most helpful customer reviews

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful. Tantalizing and exotic, but easy to prepare By Gina Pera, Adult ADHD Expert and Author I picked up this book at the library this week, thinking I might find one or two interesting recipes. After all, I love cardamon and lime. But I really had no conception of the food eaten in the Arabian Gulf countries. And the preconceptions I did have, quite honestly, weren't that appetizing. That's probably because all the "Middle Eastern" restaurants I've ever frequented usually have slight variations on the same thing -- falafel, gyros, etc. -- and it's grown a little tiresome.But this book, from the photos (of the actual dishes as well as this region's bakers, fishermen, and so on) to the ingredients (saffron, dried limes, cracked wheat, fish, lamb, rosewater, cinnamon, and, of course, cardamon), told me my taste buds were in for a new treat.Right away, my husband spied over my shoulder a luscious photo of the milky rice pudding with cardamon, rosewater and pistachios, and he placed his request. The biryani -- his favorite at Indian restaurants, but this one appearing more delicate and fresh -- received a vote, too. I was surprised to see a recipe for chickpea flour cookies, which appeal to me because I prefer a little nutrition in my not-very-sweet cookies. Cardamon-saffron sponge cake looks tempting, too, and no doubt we'll be the first on our block to serve it.The selection of dishes was large enough to provide variety, not so much as to be overwhelming. Directions are simple and straightforward. Ingredients are easily found in most grocery stores, with the exceptions being widely available at Middle Eastern specialty stores or online. I also enjoyed the author's narration, reading when this or that dish is typically served and which aunt or close friend is known for her particular version.The more I flipped through the book, the more recipes I found appealing -- from delicate basmatic rice dishes to fish stews to comfort-food porridges. All with flavors that my tastebuds have yet become numb to, such as saffron, cardamon, turmeric, lime, fresh fava beans, and more, compared to our usual herbes des provence, chili-pepper palette, Chinese flavors and thai curries. I'll have to buy a copy now.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Easy, delicious, unusual recipes By Sally Edwards An excellent book, full of tasty recipes that you are unlikely to find in any restaurant. The Gulf-style dumplings were somewhat involved but a huge hit. Other recipes, such as the rice with fava beans and dill, the lentil soup, and the porridge, were quite simple and very satisfying. You may have to order a few special ingredients, such as lumi (dried limes); otherwise, the spices are fairly standard for anyone who ever cooks Indian or Middle Eastern food. Highly recommended.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Stunning photos and divine food. By archichick This is a book that is part coffee table item and an excellent holder of recipes. I made the chicken with date, prune and nut stuffing for my parents (farm raised Midwesterners who do not expand their eating experiences too much); and they loved it. The red lentil stew has become a requested potluck dish. My nephews asked me to make the pomegranate and guava floats. The pictures of the dishes are just half the story. In between are vibrant and lush images of food related life throughout the Arabian Sea area. If you enjoy gulf and Persian food, this is an exceptional addition to any cookbook collection or coffee table.

See all 13 customer reviews... Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

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Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad ePub
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Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad AZW
Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad Kindle

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad
Cardamom and Lime: Recipes from the Arabian Gulf, by Sarah Al-Hamad

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

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The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

Read Online Ebook The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

Plagued by misfortune, Ingrid Norling treks into the woods to clear her head. She emerges a monster-slayer, the shaken executioner of a creature so ferocious that even the king’s strongest warriors could not destroy it. In a land that reveres swords and worships strength, this accidental heroism earns Inge an audience at court and a most ill-fated prize: King Halvard impulsively adopts her and names her as his heir. Under constant guard to prevent her escape, Inge confronts the ignoble underbelly of the royal court: a despotic king, a clueless princess, a proud warrior, and a dangerous intrigue. As secrets unravel around her and the castle threatens to become an elaborate deathtrap, Inge must keep her wits close and her weapons closer. The monster in the woods was only the beginning.

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #27656 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-22
  • Released on: 2015-06-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

Where to Download The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Well developed characters, and a great interaction with the reader By Clare Rarely do I leave a book feeling like the time I spent in the world was well used - this was one of those few books.Characters:Inge: I loved loved loved how she related with her family and how passionate she was for them. She was complaining a bit much for me in the second half of the book, and really did seem to act the child that everyone treated her as, but at least she realized it and worked on it for the last bit.Raske: I particularly liked how confident he was with himself - not brassy or arrogant, just someone who knows their capabilities and the limits. I also liked how, due to his trained rather stoic personality, he thought he had "betrayed" himself a hundred times. The author did an excellent job making sure that all the character actions and words were actually in line with the character's personalities themselves, and I think Raske was the best example of this. I would've liked a bit more elaboration on his magic (did it come from his mother's culture, or from living with Halvard?).Gunnar: at first I didn't think I'd want even the few brief chapters dedicated to his point of view, but I actually really enjoyed it! It fleshed him out and got him past the overprotective-and-absolutely-witless brother cliche. He and Inge have a real and believable relationship.One of the things I particularly like about this book is that the author doesn't try to jump you with a huge twist without giving you some clues as to what's going to happen. I hate it in YA novels when the author sticks in a plot twist that doesn't respect the readers intelligence. On the other hand, it's extremely annoying when the reader gets huge hints about the characters or plot that the other characters can't seem to figure out, however obvious it is, and Stradling avoided this as well. I thought she was going to keep the father's legacy a "secret" and wait for a "big reveal" at the end of the book, but with this instance, as well as with most of the other secrets, she revealed it as soon as it was reasonable for the average-intelligence character to discover it - sometimes, even a little bit sooner. Thus, she avoided insulting the readers' AND the characters intelligence.Finally, my favorite part of the book was the family itself. A lot of YA novels tend to stick to absolute cardboard characters from character families (if they're even introduced at all), and this book did such an awesome job making the interactions between the siblings seem believable and funny. Despite the fact that their were seven siblings, Stradling did an awesome job developing each of them enough for the book, and not unnecessarily focusing on them and confusing readers.A few complaints:Inge's father and his swords. While I really loved this concept, at the same time I thought it should've been explained more. For example, *spoiler alert* the father has protected his children against what exactly? Dying by sword? Dying by malicious intent? This isn't really elaborated. Secondly, with the power that these swords have and the spell cast over the children, everyone takes it rather in stride. No one really seems to question the power of the father that he was able to cast these spells and how exactly he did it. I feel like more people should've spent time figuring out how he enchanted the swords than trying to find the enchanted swords themselves.I'm sorry this book isn't more popular than it is, for I would put it top of the list of at least the previous fifteen YA novels I've read. Thanks, Ms. Stradling, for an excellent read!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Hard to put down! By Tika This book was pure entertainment from start to finish! I read it aloud to my family on a road trip (and lost my voice for days in the process, but it was SO worth it!), and we all enjoyed it immensely. Thank you, Kate Stradling, for yet another great read! Looking forward to the next one...

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Her best book so far! By Jenzplase I've read all of Stradling's books, and each one gets better and better. She is a master craftsman: of words, of characters, of emotion, of story. Talent exudes from each word she pens!

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The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling
The Legendary Inge, by Kate Stradling

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

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The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

Best PDF Ebook The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

With Adam Hamilton, we have traced the life of Jesus from his birth The Journey, through his ministry The Way, to his death and resurrection 24 Hours That Changed the World. What happened next? Follow the journeys of Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion, as he spread the Gospel through modern-day Greece and Turkey. Travel to the early church sites and explore Paul’s conversations with the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. In this six-week study, you are invited to experience faith through Christ’s greatest teacher and missionary.


“Adam Hamilton has proven to be a faithful guide to applying the Bible to modern life in a sane and balanced way, and I trust him as an interpreter of the Apostle Paul for today.” -Philip Yancey, author of Vanishing Grace and The Jesus I Never Knew

“Pastor and teacher Adam Hamilton succeeds brilliantly in introducing the life and ministry of Paul. Adam’s interweaving of personal testimony and ministry insights provide important lessons for Christian disciples today—something Paul himself would have readily welcomed.” - Dr. Mark Wilson, Asia Minor Research Center, Antalya, Turkey

“Adam Hamilton demonstrates theologically and spiritually how indispensable the apostle Paul is to both the early Christian and 21st century church. This book is a wonderful gift for the church, and I recommend it with utmost Christian enthusiasm.” - Dr. Israel Kamudzandu, Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation, Saint Paul School of Theology

“I regularly lead groups of seminary students, alums, clergy, and laity on immersion trips to Greece and Turkey. This book will certainly be on my reading list.” - Jaime Clark-Soles, Associate Professor of New Testament, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor, Perkins School of Theology

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #47181 in Books
  • Brand: Hamilton, Adam
  • Published on: 2015-06-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.60" h x 1.00" w x 5.90" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages
The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

About the Author Adam Hamilton is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton’s congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013 and was appointed to the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.Hamilton is the best-selling and award-winning author of The Call, The Journey, The Way, 24 Hours That Changed the World, John, Revival, Not a Silent Night, Enough, When Christians Get It Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White, all published by Abingdon Press. Learn more about Adam Hamilton at

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

Where to Download The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. An Excellent Read By SusanS Hamilton combines a fascinating look at Paul's life and his shaping of early Christian teaching with detailed maps, timelines and a surprising number of photographs. It has always been hard for me to follow the journeys of Paul and to imagine where he taught and what the places were like - this helped tremendously. As always, this author brings each chapter to a close with a connection to our lives and faith today. It would be meaningful for people new to the Bible and is challenging enough for more seasoned readers.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Paul & Jesus; Paul & The Church By Leah Chang I always enjoy Pastor Hamilton's practical scholarship and his attention to contextualizing scripture into our own life and mission! The Call rollicks and frolics along with the energy and excitement of the NT book of Acts, and that's fitting, since a lot of the information we have about Saul (Jewish name) / Paul (Roman name) of Tarsus comes from the narrative in Luke's Acts.Pastor Adam knows the texts extremely well; he's also getting to know the terrain and layout of the biblical Holy Land. As we journey with Paul and his companions, Hamilton observes what was going on in politics, in Jewish circles, in Christian hangouts, "among the" Greek and Roman gods and culture back at that time and suggests real-life present day applications for each of us in our churches and in the surrounding communities. The book places Paul's life, ministry, and letters in the times and places when and where he grew up, learned, taught, talked, and walked; this New Covenant of grace is not entirely different from the Old one, but it's about Trusting Jesus rather than Trusting Torah.In the Protestant world in which many of us live (and move, and have our being), Paul is our most prominent theologian; we think we know him mostly for his Christology (on pages 72-74 we get a very shorthand version of the saving person and work of Jesus the Christ), yet in The Call Hamilton reminds us it is the work and reign of the Pentecostal Spirit of Life that inspired and enabled Paul /Saul; the Spirit of Life that raised Jesus from the dead in turn brings us to living faith in Jesus. As Martin Luther famously said in his Small Catechism: "I cannot by my own effort or understanding know Jesus my Lord or come to him, but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith, just as the HS calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Church..." In his Acts of the Apostles the gospel-writer Luke brings us most of what we know about the chronology and events in Paul's life; in fact, the Spirit is prominent throughout Luke and Acts. (Pneumatology is the branch of theology that emphasizes the person and work of the HS.)The six chapters of The Call describe God's call to the Apostle Paul along with a parallel call to each of us: Follow Christ; Go; Suffer; Love; Give, and be Faithful. Adam Hamilton includes a few anecdotes and incidents from his own life, mostly in ways that encourage us to discover similarities in our own. The hardbound book is a comfortable size to hold and heft, printed in easily readable type, and includes B&W maps and photographs. However, I seriously wish the book had been edited to omit and change at least most - if not all - of the too many sentences written in the passive voice.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Good overview of Paul, especially for book clubs and small groups. By P. Hamm First off, if you're looking for a complete understanding of Paul, his life and world, this book is too short for that. And a bunch of you are probably thinking "thank goodness for that".If you're looking for a "popular" account, and especially if you want a great book to do a small-group study, you probably can't do better.Hamilton fills his book with photos and stories to shed light on the man who some say founded Christianity. The book is a quick and easy read, but still gives enough depth and background to give the average Christian a firm grounding in who this man was and why he means so much to us today.Highly recommended, especially if you can get a group to do it together.

See all 119 customer reviews... The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

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The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton
The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul, by Adam Hamilton

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books),

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Be the first to obtain this publication now as well as obtain all reasons why you require to read this Have You Filled A Bucket Today?: A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids (Bucketfilling Books), By Carol McCloud The e-book Have You Filled A Bucket Today?: A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids (Bucketfilling Books), By Carol McCloud is not simply for your tasks or need in your life. E-books will constantly be a great friend in whenever you read. Now, allow the others learn about this web page. You could take the benefits and share it also for your pals and individuals around you. By through this, you could truly obtain the significance of this e-book Have You Filled A Bucket Today?: A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids (Bucketfilling Books), By Carol McCloud beneficially. Just what do you believe regarding our concept here?

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Free PDF Ebook Online Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

For more information on bucket filling and free downloadables and resources, visit This heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation and love by "filling buckets."Updated and revised, this 10th anniversary edition will help readers better understand that "bucket dipping" is a negative behavior, not a permanent label. It also explains that it's possible to fill or dip into our own buckets.Winner of Six Awards:2016 - Gold, Children's Picture Books, Mom's Choice Awards2016 - Winner, Children's Books, Great Southwest Book Festival2016 - Honorable Mention, Children's Books, Los Angeles Book Festival2016 - Runner-up, Children's Books, Great Southeast Book Festival2016 - Runner-up, Children's Books, Florida Book Festival2016 - Honorable Mention, Children's Books, Great Northwest Book Festival(First Edition: Winner of Sixteen Awards and One Additional Honor)

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #5143 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x .20" w x 10.75" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

From the Author This book was first published in 2006 to teach young children, primarily ages 4-9, how to be bucket fillers. Since then, bucket filling has spread around the world to help millions of people of all ages have happier and more rewarding lives. In this revised and updated edition, the verbs "bucket dipping" and "bullying" have replaced the nouns "bucket dipper" and "bully" to help readers understand that "bucket dipping" and "bullying" are negative behaviors (what we are doing) and not permanent labels (who we are). Readers will also learn that you can fill or dip into your own bucket.I first learned about bucket filling in a seminar for early childhood educators in the 1990s. The speaker, a brain research expert, said it is helpful to think of every person as being born with an invisible bucket. The bucket represents a person's mental and emotional health. You can't see the bucket, but it's there. She said that it is primarily the responsibility of parents and other caregivers to fill a child's bucket. When you hold, caress, nurture, touch, sing, play, and provide loving attention, safety, and care, you fill a child's bucket. Giving that love is filling buckets.In addition to being loved, children must also be taught how to love others. Children who learn how to express kindness and love lead happier lives. When you care about others and show that love by what you say and do, you feel good and you fill your own bucket, too.As you read this book with children, use it as an opportunity to model this concept by filling their buckets. Tell them why they are special to you. Help them imagine whose bucket they might fill and what they could say or do to fill a bucket. Tell them whose bucket you filled that day. Practice with them to become daily bucket fillers. Very quickly they will experience the pride and joy of filling buckets.Learn more about bucket filling through our website,, and be sure to sign up for our free e-newsletter, BUCKET FILLOSOPHY® 101. Keep filling buckets and your bucket will always be full.    

From the Back Cover This heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation and love by "filling buckets.Updated and revised, this 10th anniversary edition will help readers better understand that "bucket dipping" is a negative behavior, not a permanent label. It also explains that it's possible to fill or dip into our own buckets. For more information on bucket filling and free downloadables and resources, visit

About the Author Carol McCloud is an early childhood specialist, award-winning author, popular speaker, and president of Bucket Fillers, Inc., an educational organization in Brighton, Michigan.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Where to Download Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Most helpful customer reviews

200 of 206 people found the following review helpful. Misses a major point By Kali I found this book in a local bookstore where someone had left it on top of other non-related books. I flipped through it quickly and the messages I saw and the beautiful illustrations led me to make it an impulse buy.When I read it to my daughter that evening, however, I found a major flaw in its premise. The book does a great job of creating the bucket analogy, but blatantly states that you need "others to fill your bucket". While it does circle back around to explain that filling the bucket of others (i.e. by being kind, helpful, etc.) can help fill the child's own bucket, I think it misses an important point - kids can fill their own buckets!Unlike other reviewers, I didn't feel like it created co-dependence, but I do think it gives the message that a child needs the affirmation of others to have a full bucket. There is no mention of talking nicely to and about themselves, appreciating what they have, expressing gratitude for what they have, recognizing their own strengths and skills, seeing the beauty within themselves - all of which fill their own buckets.I don't believe that one book will define a child, but this book certainly does loosely make the case for being approval and praise junkies - not a message I want my kid to take away from a book. It would have been a far better book if it had included the ways you can fill your own bucket, because there are times in life when that is the only way your bucket is going to get filled. And it would be a far better skill to have than waiting around for someone else to fill your bucket!!Personally, I told my daughter flat out that the author made a mistake and we discussed all the ways one can fill their own bucket. Because of the beautiful illustrations and the springboard for the discussion, I left it at three stars. But I would not recommend this book to any parent unless they are willing to have more in-depth conversation about it.

146 of 152 people found the following review helpful. Okay, but not as good as "How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids" By Bibliophile I had been looking for books I could use to teach my students about treating others kindly. I bought this book along with the book, "How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids." I was hoping it would have many suggestions of how kids can be "bucket fillers" by being kind to others and themselves. Unfortunately, it is more like a 2nd rate version of "How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids." This book EXPLAINS the bucket concept and TELLS kids how their actions affect others, whereas "How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids" is an engaging story that SHOWS children what the bucket concept is all about and DEMONSTRATES how their actions can hurt or help others. I love "How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids" and intend to read it to my students, as I think it will be an effective teaching tool. Having purchased that book, this book is superfluous, and although I'll include it in my classroom library, I'm wishing I had spent the money on something else.

75 of 80 people found the following review helpful. Great Lessons To Be Learned By Alyice Edrich Words hurt. That's the simple truth. And bullies abound no matter what the age. If we can teach young children the power of words and teach them to use those words carefully, we can change the future of America.This is one book every elementary teacher should have. And one book each teacher should discuss with their children.

See all 777 customer reviews... Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

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Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids (Bucketfilling Books), by Carol McCloud

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge Of The Yellow Yams, By Hubert Guscott. Welcome to the most effective internet site that available hundreds sort of book collections. Right here, we will certainly offer all books Mystical Speed: The Revenge Of The Yellow Yams, By Hubert Guscott that you need. Guides from renowned authors as well as publishers are offered. So, you can appreciate currently to obtain one by one sort of book Mystical Speed: The Revenge Of The Yellow Yams, By Hubert Guscott that you will certainly look. Well, related to guide that you desire, is this Mystical Speed: The Revenge Of The Yellow Yams, By Hubert Guscott your choice?

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Free Ebook PDF Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The revenge of the yellow yams is a Jamaican satire with several references to the Caribbean, Africa and the United States of America. A street hustler gets a huge sum of money from two American coaches to get them several pounds of yellow yams. The hustler rushes to the Invincible Hill to steal some yams and is beaten and tied up by the yams. They were mad as hell and they were not going to take the pilfering anymore!

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1807505 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-18
  • Released on: 2015-06-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Review "Now, this is an interesting shift from the original, and Guscott must be lauded for not playing the same hand twice. In many ways, this sequel is best served if adapted to animation. Is Guscott listening? There is enough food for thought for readers (and maybe viewers, someday), of every age group.- Dr. Glenville Ashby, International Journalist (The Gleaner) The passion, solidarity, and allegiances displayed by the members of the "Acres of Diamonds" party is evident throughout "Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams." The message, and life lessons, they share is crystal clear.-Frannie Cohen, Book reviewer.A most enjoyable read, and I can see this book together with its predecessor "Mystical Speed" as a movie along the lines of "Cool Runnings". Great going, Mr Guscott sir. Claudette Beckford Brady,- Author.Lots of laughs- Roy T. Anderson, Filmmaker and movie stuntman.

From the Author 2016  National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist (humor).

From the Back Cover The yams are mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore! Two American track-and-field coaches are on a quest to find the secret ingredient behind the Jamaican sprinting team's phenomenal success. They travel to Jamaica, where a street hustler has the answer they seek. In exchange for a large sum of money, he promises to get the coaches all the yellow yams--the secret ingredient--they want. But the local farms are being depleted, and when the hustler rushes to Invincible Hill to steal the enormous, magical yams, the feisty vegetables teach him a lesson he'll never forget. Four talking yams, a ghost, a few humans, animals, birds, and foreign produce work together to put an end to the produce pilfering!

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Where to Download Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I could not stop laughing my head off with the talking of animals (like donkey and the annoying john crow) and talking food. By blinky Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams kept me on the edge of my seat with the turning of every page.I could not stop laughing my head off with the talking of animals (like donkey and the annoying john crow) and talking food (like the calm cool Rasta-Yam, the militant Pupalick-Yam, the sensitive Washbelly -Yam and the feisty little yellow yam) who all kept me locked into the story.Brother Tukuma, Mr. Samfy, Big Boy and the sycamore tree were wonderful additions to the story which made it authentic, funny and very rich in folklore. It was also sobering in reference to the social and economic changes that can be achieved if people work together for the love of country and region.Author Hubert Guscott, is a story teller with an edge of reality in writing that give a bit of history of the Caribbean in addition to his beloved Jamaica.This is a story that will inspire you, make you laugh as well as explore the serious side of issues in the region. It shows how family, good friends, faith, and love will always prevail.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Life lessons. By Frannie Cohen In his second published work of fiction, Hubert Guscott brings energy and life to his characters through the exploration of the socioeconomic and political systems within his beloved homeland of Jamaica.The passion, solidarity, and allegiances displayed by the members of the "Acres of Diamonds" party is evident throughout "Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams." The message, and life lessons, they share is crystal clear. Change comes only when people work together. Sometimes it's one step at a time, one day at a time, one revolution at a time. Pay attention to those with whom you surround yourself, as not everyone wants the best for you. Yet, with a few Real friends and determination, change will come.Guscott writes from his heart in "Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams." His second work is a lesson of love - love of country, love of mentors, love of friends and most of all, love of family.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Mystical Indeed. By Semone Esdaile While reading Mystical Speed: The Revenge of The Yellow Yams I felt like I was actually inside the book. The book is so well written that it was hard not to "feel" the characters coming alive. I can tell that Mr. Guscott wrote the with enthusiasm and passion and it really transferred to the pages of the book. Once I started to read the book I couldn't put it down. At one point I wanted to cheat and read ahead to see what the characters were up to. Little yellow one of the characters, is a force to reckon with. Her name might be little yellow but don't let the name fool you.Even if you did not read book one (which I did) you could still read book two and you would not be lost.I recommend you buy at least two books. One for your coffee table and one as a gift.YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

See all 13 customer reviews... Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott PDF
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Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott AZW
Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott Kindle

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott
Mystical Speed: The Revenge of the Yellow Yams, by Hubert Guscott

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives,

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

For everyone, if you want to start joining with others to check out a book, this The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated And Expanded Edition: A Strategy For Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, By Peter Scazzero is much recommended. And also you need to get guide The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated And Expanded Edition: A Strategy For Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, By Peter Scazzero right here, in the web link download that we supply. Why should be right here? If you desire other type of books, you will certainly consistently discover them and The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated And Expanded Edition: A Strategy For Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, By Peter Scazzero Economics, politics, social, scientific researches, religions, Fictions, as well as more publications are supplied. These offered books are in the soft files.

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

PDF Ebook Download : The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition, the newly updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking bestseller The Emotionally Healthy Church, features a fuller, deeper look at the six principles contained in the original and includes a crucial, additional chapter: Slow Down to Lead with Integrity.

New Life Fellowship in Queens, New York, had it all: powerful teaching, dynamic ministries, an impressive growth rate, and a vision to do great works for God. Things looked good—but beneath the surface, circumstances were more than just brewing. They were about to boil over, forcing Peter Scazzero to confront needs in his church and himself that went deeper than he’d ever imagined. What he learned about the vital link between emotional health, relational depth, and spiritual maturity can shed new light on painful problems in your own church.

In this revised and expanded edition of his Gold Medallion Award–winning book, Scazzero shares refreshing new insights and a different and challenging slant on what it takes to lead your congregation to wholeness and maturity in Christ. Our churches are in trouble, says Scazzero.

They are filled with people who are:

• unsure how to biblically integrate anger, sadness, and other emotions

• defensive, incapable of revealing their weaknesses

• threatened by or intolerant of different viewpoints

• zealous about ministering at church but blind to their spouses’ loneliness at home

• so involved in “serving” that they fail to take care of themselves

• prone to withdraw from conflict rather than resolve it

Sharing from New Life Fellowship’s painful but liberating journey, Scazzero reveals exactly how the truth can and does make you free—not just superficially, but deep down. This expanded edition of The Emotionally Healthy Church not only takes the original six principles further and deeper, but also adds a seventh crucial principle. You’ll acquire knowledge and tools that can help you and others:

• look beneath the surface of problems

• break the power of past wounds, failures, sins, and circumstances

• live a life of brokenness and vulnerability

• recognize and honor personal limitations and boundaries

• embrace grief and loss

• make incarnation your model to love others

• slow down to lead with integrity

This new edition shares powerful insights on how contemplative spirituality can help you and your church slow down—an integral key to spiritual and emotional health. The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition includes story after story of people at New Life whose lives have been changed by the concepts in this book. Open these pages and find out how your church can turn a new corner on the road to spiritual maturity.

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #45790 in Books
  • Brand: Scazzero, Peter/ Bird, Warren (CON)/ Leighton Ford (FRW)
  • Published on: 2015-06-30
  • Released on: 2015-06-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.70" h x .87" w x 5.87" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages
The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

Review 'More than ever, the church needs the message of this outstanding book. The souls of our churches are hungering for ways to get healthy and stay healthy and 'normal,' and 'The Emotionally Healthy Church' shows us how to facilitate that.' -- Les Parrot, PhD, Author, Relationships

From the Publisher New Foreword from the author

After several years of living out the principles of The Emotionally Healthy Church within the local church I pastor, I wrote them in the first edition of this book. My intention was to speak particularly to pastors, elders, deacons, and ministry and small group leaders. Little did I know that the book's message would spread beyond church leaders to countless others struggling with the integration of emotional health and biblical spirituality. Even more of a surprise was the centrality of this issue not only for the church in North America, but around the world.

During the seven years since the first edition, my understanding of the six principles that make up emotionally healthy churches has grown deeper, sharper, and broader. I have grown theologically as I have encountered new personal and leadership applications of the material. As a result, each chapter has been edited, expanded, and updated.

Moreover, this journey has led me to add a seventh, indispensable principle: lead with integrity. The pace of my life slowed down considerably when I began integrating emotional health with my discipleship. It takes time -- lots of it -- to feel, to grieve, to listen, to reflect, to be mindful of what is going on around and in us. This radically shifted my priorities at home and in my work. Emotional health also created a hunger within Geri and me for a deeper communion with God. This in turn led to an exploration of contemplative spiritual practices, culminating in a four-month sabbatical in 2003 - 2004. Our aim was to study the riches of the contemplative tradition and its applications for a missional church like ours. This immersion into such spiritual disciplines as silence and solitude transformed us, and eventually, our church. Insights from these experiences are sprinkled throughout the book.

While the contemplative tradition helped me considerably in my efforts to lead with integrity, I had yet to apply emotional health to my leadership. That turned out to be a challenging, complex task. I describe this unfolding in the new chapter 11, "Slow Down to Lead with Integrity."

One final note: Resist the temptation to breeze through these pages. This is not a book meant to be read quickly in one or two sittings. This is not simply the latest fascinating idea to incorporate in your God-talk with colleagues or parishioners. I invite you to wrestle deeply with these truths as you consider how they apply to both your inner life and leadership. You could spend a lifetime plumbing the depths of each -- from limits, to brokenness, to grieving, to learning to love well. Please read slowly, prayerfully, and thoughtfully. As you do, ask the question, "How is God coming to me through this?" Consider making personal applications in a journal or in the back of the book, noting the page number for future reference.

Be sure to grasp the central thesis: Emotional health and spiritual maturity are inseparable. It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. When you understand this, you will walk through a door in your spiritual journey. Few ever return to a tip-of-the-iceberg discipleship that overemphasizes activity but does not deeply transform from the inside out. By God's grace, you will never be the same. And you will embark on an exciting journey toward a beautiful life that will touch everyone around you -- in your family, church, workplace, and neighborhood.

From the Inside Flap The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition, the newly updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking bestseller The Emotionally Healthy Church, features a fuller, deeper look at the six principles contained in the original and includes a crucial, additional chapter: Slow Down to Lead with Integrity.

New Life Fellowship in Queens, New York, had it all: powerful teaching, dynamic ministries, an impressive growth rate, and a vision to do great works for God. Things looked good--but beneath the surface, circumstances were more than just brewing. They were about to boil over, forcing Peter Scazzero to confront needs in his church and himself that went deeper than he'd ever imagined. What he learned about the vital link between emotional health, relational depth, and spiritual maturity can shed new light on painful problems in your own church.

In this revised and expanded edition of his Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Scazzero shares refreshing new insights and a different and challenging slant on what it takes to lead your congregation to wholeness and maturity in Christ.

Our churches are in trouble, says Scazzero. They are filled with people who are * unsure how to biblically integrate anger, sadness, and other emotions * defensive, incapable of revealing their weaknesses * threatened by or intolerant of different viewpoints * zealous about ministering at church but blind to their spouses' loneliness at home * so involved in "serving" that they fail to take care of themselves * prone to withdraw from conflict rather than resolve it

Sharing from New Life Fellowship's painful but liberating journey, Scazzero reveals exactly how the truth can and does make you free--not just superficially, but deep down. This expanded edition of The Emotionally Healthy Church not only takes the original six principles further and deeper, but also adds a seventh crucial principle. You'll acquire knowledge and tools that can help you and others:

* look beneath the surface of problems * break the power of past wounds, failures, sins, and circumstances * live a life of brokenness and vulnerability * recognize and honor personal limitations and boundaries * embrace grief and loss * make incarnation your model to love others * slow down to lead with integrity

This new edition shares powerful insights on how contemplative spirituality can help you and your church slow down--an integral key to spiritual and emotional health.

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition includes story after story of people at New Life whose lives have been changed by the concepts in this book. Open these pages and find out how your church can turn a new corner on the road to spiritual maturity.

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

Where to Download The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

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46 of 48 people found the following review helpful. This is a Good Book By Amazon Customer PREMISE: Too many of our churches are led by people who claim spiritual maturity, but lack the ability to live godly lives because of their emotional immaturity. Now . . . do we know ahyone like that?!?PLAN: We must (starting with the leaders) grow in emotional maturity. Here are the basic steps . . . 1) We must look below the surface of our lives, 2) We must come to grips with the scars from our past, 3) We must learn to be honest about our brokenness and become vulnerable. (I have noticed that those Christians I most admire have the ability to be open and honest about their lives.), 4) We must learn how to say, "No" and follow God rather than be pushed around by others, 5) We must not run from the pain of life, but rather embrace it and learn to grow through pain, 6) We must take the lessons we have learned and step into incarnational ministry as Jesus did.POSITIVES: The author writes from personal experience. After many years of seemingly successful ministry as a pastor with a rapidly growing church plant and invitations to speak in a growing number of seminars across the country he finds himself with a crumbling marriage and a major church split when one of his staff defects and starts a new rival ministry. The pain of this experience woven through the pages of the book lend an air of credibility to the message.PROBLEMS: There aren't many. The author's mix of counseling techniques and spiritual formation could cause the reader to raise his or her eyebrows, but I don't consider this much of a problem. I like to be challenged by what I read. The author waxes and wanes hot and cold in a place or two. I liked some chapters better than others, but that's normal for me. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because I am not certain right now if the book will cause a change in my life. I only give 5 stars to those works that change me.PREDICTION: This book will become an important work among pastors and in church leadership training.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful. A comprehensive guide to enhance emotional health in your church By Wilbur Fong Scazzero's thesis is that the emotional health and spiritual health of a Christian are inseparable. The discipleship model of the church must nurture emotional growth in order to foster true spiritual maturity. Scazzero suggests six principles in building an emotionally healthy church: (1) Look beneath the iceberg; (2) Break the power of the past; (3) Live in brokenness and vulnerability; (4) Receive the gift of limits; (5) Embrace grieving and loss; and (6) Make incarnation the model of loving well. One benefit of this book is that Scazzero has integrated various topics of emotional health and Christian spirituality into a single volume, providing the backbone for a comprehensive discipleship course on emotional health. Daniel Coleman pioneered emotional intelligence. Edwin Friedman and Ronald Richardson developed family systems theory. Henri Nouwen wrote The Wounded Healer. Henry Cloud and John Townsend advocated boundaries. Parker Palmer relates vocational discernment and accepting limits. Jerry Sittster and Nicholas Wolterstorff shared how God may be doing soul work through experiences of grief and loss. Numerous experts have talked about listening skills, self-differentiation, and empathy. Scazzero's contribution is in pulling these resources together; weaving them masterfully into a coherent work; and providing compelling reasons why this work is important for the emotional health of the church. A second benefit is that Scazzero has taken an evangelical approach by making a noble attempt to build his six principles on biblical foundations. For example, Scazzero takes the secular Emotional Intelligence material and slips a theology of grace underneath. The Gospel provides the motivation, power, and security for us to look beneath the surface (principle 1). Similarly, principle 3 is built on Paul's theology of weakness; principle 5 on the biblical basis of lamenting found in the Psalms; and principle 6 on a theology of incarnation. In this respect, Scazzero may have gone beyond the work of some of the masters listed above. The third contribution is that Scazzero has taken the application of his principles beyond an individual to the entire church. The Copernican revolution begins with the senior pastor. Its effect rings out to other staff, elders and board members, the congregation, and to the wider community in concentric circles. Scazzero shares his experience at New Life Fellowship and outlines many practical suggestions on how these principles may be implemented in preaching, education, small group, and counseling ministries of the church. I recommend this book to all church leaders who desire to take emotional health seriously and to implement a discipleship strategy that will change lives.

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful. An Excellent Beginning Toward A More Effective Discipleship By Keith M. Abolnik The Emotionally Healthy Church effectively addresses an overlooked need in the North American Church. Although the premise that emotional health and spiritual health must be wholly integrated is not a new concept, it certainly has been a neglected truth in the past few decades. The result of such neglect has sabotaged our effectiveness in producing healthy disciples, and healthy churches. Since our current approach to discipleship has failed to bear the fruit of genuinely "mature" followers of Christ, perhaps this book has been prophetically written for "such a time as this." Mr. Scazzero's six principles for bringing about an emotionally healthy discipleship are passionately written from the perspective of one who has personally been struggling with these issues, who has now found a way to recognize (and consequently help his readers to recognize) the unaddressed/unmet needs of our emotional/inner life. He can then reveal to us the appropriate steps to be taken in finding the pathway to wholeness. The fact that the author has struggled in such a personal way assures the reader that this is not just another theoretical approach to church health/growth. Although this book is very helpful and insightful, I personally found it lacking in laying out a clear strategy for discipleship. The author did give examples of people who were addressed in specific areas of weakness, but failed to outline how the disciplinary/recovery plan was implemented with the kind of detail that would help other pastors deal with similar situations. I would like to have seen a detailed outline of the use of leadership and people skills in addressing the issues with the lives of his staff members and parishioners. The Body of Christ is both organic and institutional. Most discipleship methods are institutional and impersonal. Because we are all individuals there can be no cookie-cutter method or approach to genuine discipleship. I like the ideas given in this book because they deal more directly with a personal/relational way approach to our mandate to "make disciples." However, I think this idea could have been more developed. Perhaps the author's new book will bring more to light on this issue. Since all ministry flows through relationships, it then behooves us to maintain a healthy relationship with Jesus (the vertical/upward), people that comprise our circle/world with mutual influence (horizontal/outward), and with our self (inward). It is this last relationship that is so often neglected, which results in a myriad of problems in our other relationships. Very few people understand their relationship to themselves. Though it isn't quite stated this way, the six principles outlined by pastor Scazzero all have to do with that self relationship. One of my favorite quotes refers to when we stand before God He is not going to ask us "Why weren't you Moses?" or "Why weren't you Billy Graham?"- (my insertion), but "Why weren't you - you?" Too many pastors, and consequently their congregations don't know who they are. We spend much too much time trying to be like other people, instead of discovering and being who God created us to be. I would also have liked to have found a chapter (or more) on the pathway to self-discovery. Finding out who you really are - who God created you to be. Something to get people to the point of emotional health will help clear a way for them to discover the unique person God has created them to be. A sense of confidence in who you are, and a clarity of your uniqueness in calling is essential to emotional health and in helping others to take hold of the same. I do recommend this book to all, especially church leaders. This work is an excellent beginning to opening the dialogue with the larger Body of Christ in re-shaping our method in fulfilling the Great Commission to "Make disciples of all nations (ethnos)."

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The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero
The Emotionally Healthy Church, Updated and Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives, by Peter Scazzero